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Widgets Components API Reference

Welcome to Cloudify’s Widgets Components API Reference documentation!

You can find here documentation for all ReactJS components developed by Cloudify team. All of those can be used in custom widgets development.

Semantic UI React

All Cloudify built-in widgets were created using components from Semantic-UI-React UI development framework.

The following components from Semantic-UI-React can be accessed using Stage.Basic global object: Accordion, Breadcrumb, Button, Card, Checkbox, Container, Divider, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Item, Label, List, Loader, Message, Modal, Portal, Progress, Radio, Segment, Sidebar, Step, Table.

For example if you want to use Map component use Stage.Basic.Map.

React Leaflet

Some built-in widgets were created using components from React-Leaflet library.

The following components from React-Leaflet can be accessed using Stage.Basic.Leaflet global object: Map, TileLayer, Marker, Popup.

For example if you want to use Message component use Stage.Basic.Message.