Manual Reference Source
public class | source



react~Component → Form

Form is a component to present HTML forms

Form is customized version of Semantic UI-React's Form component, so all properties of that component can be used here.

errors prop can be just a string containing error message or an object with the following syntax:

     field1: 'errorMessage1',
     field2: 'errorMessage2',




Form before submission (no errors: _.isEmpty(this.state.errors))


Form after submission (with errors: !_.isEmpty(this.state.errors))


<Form onSubmit={this._submitCreate.bind(this)} errors={this.state.errors} ref="createForm">
  <Form.Field error={this.state.errors.username}>
    <Form.Input name='username' placeholder="Username"
                value={this.state.username} onChange={this._handleInputChange.bind(this)}/>

  <Form.Field error={this.state.errors.password}>
    <Form.Input name='password' placeholder="Password" type="password"
                value={this.state.password} onChange={this._handleInputChange.bind(this)}/>

  <Form.Field error={this.state.errors.confirmPassword}>
    <Form.Input name='confirmPassword' placeholder="Confirm password" type="password"
                value={this.state.confirmPassword} onChange={this._handleInputChange.bind(this)}/>

  <Form.Field error={this.state.errors.role}>
    <Form.Dropdown selection name='role' placeholder="Role" options={roleOptions}
                   value={this.state.role} onChange={this._handleInputChange.bind(this)}/>

Static Member Summary

Static Public Members
public static

Button: *

Form checkbox input, see Button

public static

Form checkbox input, FormCheckbox

public static

Form color picker input, see ColorPicker

public static

Divider: *

Form divider, see FormDivider

public static

Dropdown field, see Dropdown

public static

Field: *

Form field, see FormField

public static

File: *

Form file input, see InputFile

public static

Group: *

Form group, see FormGroup

public static

Input: *

Form input, see Form.Input

public static

Calendar picker input, see InputDate

public static

Time picker input, see InputTime

public static

Json: *

Form JSON input,

public static

Radio: *

Form radio button, see Input

public static

Table: *

Form table input, see EdiTable

public static

Form text area input, see TextArea

public static

Form URL or file input, see InputUrlOrFile

public static


Static Public Members

public static Button: * source

Form checkbox input, see Button

public static Checkbox: * source

Form checkbox input, FormCheckbox

public static ColorPicker: * source

Form color picker input, see ColorPicker

public static Divider: * source

Form divider, see FormDivider

public static Dropdown: * source

Dropdown field, see Dropdown

public static Field: * source

Form field, see FormField

public static File: * source

Form file input, see InputFile

public static Group: * source

Form group, see FormGroup

public static Input: * source

Form input, see Form.Input

public static InputDate: * source

Calendar picker input, see InputDate

public static InputTime: * source

Time picker input, see InputTime

public static Json: * source

Form JSON input,

public static Radio: * source

Form radio button, see Input

public static Table: * source

Form table input, see EdiTable

public static TextArea: * source

Form text area input, see TextArea

public static UrlOrFile: * source

Form URL or file input, see InputUrlOrFile

public static propTypes: * source



errors object
  • optional

string with error message or object with fields error messages (syntax described above)

errorMessageHeader string
  • optional

string with error message header

onSubmit Function
  • optional

function called on form submission

onErrorsDismiss Function
  • optional

function called when errors are dismissed (see ErrorMessage)

scrollToError boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

if set, then on error change screen will be scrolled to (see ErrorMessage)