Manual Reference Source


Static Public Summary

createWizardStep(id: string, title: string, description: string, ContentComponent: React.Component, ActionsComponent: React.Component): {id: string, title: string, description: string, Content: React.Component, Actions: React.Component}

Function creating step object.

Static Public

public createWizardStep(id: string, title: string, description: string, ContentComponent: React.Component, ActionsComponent: React.Component): {id: string, title: string, description: string, Content: React.Component, Actions: React.Component} source

import {createWizardStep} from 'cloudify-stage/basic/wizard/wizardUtils.js'

Function creating step object. Can be accessed using: Stage.Basic.Wizard.Utils.createWizardStep.


id string

step ID

title string

step name to be shown in header part (top) of the wizard

description string

step description to be shown in header part (top) of the wizard

ContentComponent React.Component

step component to be shown in content part (middle) of the wizard. Check StepContent for details about necessary props to provide

ActionsComponent React.Component

step component to be shown in action part (bottom) of the wizard. Check StepActions for details about necessary props to provide


{id: string, title: string, description: string, Content: React.Component, Actions: React.Component}

object describing step compatible with WizardModal steps prop