
Upgrading a Cloudify Fully Distributed Cluster (9 Nodes)

If the initial cluster installation was done using the Cloudify Cluster Manager, follow this simplified process. Updating a Cloudify Fully Distributed Cluster leveraging the Cloudify Cluster Manager you can use the Cloudify Cluster Manager tool to upgrade a fully distributed cluster.

Upgrade your Cloudify Cluster Manager by running:

sudo yum install -y <Cluster Manager Installation RPM>

On the host that has Cloudify Cluster Manager installed, run cfy_cluster_manager upgrade. Optional Arguments:

--config-path The completed cluster configuration file path. Default: ./cfy_cluster_config.yaml
--upgrade-rpm Path to a v6.1.0 cloudify-manager-install RPM. This can be either a local or remote path.
Default: <Cloudify Manager Installation RPM>

-v, --verbose Show verbose output
Running this command will automatically run the upgrade procedure on the cluster. 

If the cluster was manually deployed, please follow this procedure instead:

Manually updating a Fully Distributed Cluster Update steps: Install the new 6.1.0 cloudify-manager-install RPM on all the cluster nodes, by using the command:

sudo yum install -y <Cloudify Manager Installation RPM> 

Repeat this step on all 9 nodes.

On all three database nodes run

cfy_manager upgrade 

Do it one after the other, not in parallel.

On all three RabbitMQ nodes run

cfy_manager upgrade

Do it one after the other, not in parallel.

On all manager nodes, run

cfy_manager upgrade

Do it one after the other, not in parallel.

If Cloudify agents are used in your deployments, run the following command from just one of the manager nodes:

cfy agents install

When opening the Cloudify Management Console after the upgrade, you might see “This page is empty”, this happens because of cached data. To solve this, press CTRL + Shift + R.