Software Requirements


These are specific packages that are commonly included in RHEL/ CentOS. You must have these packages installed before you install the Cloudify Manager.

Cloudify Manager

sudo Password-less sudo is required to run commands with root privileges (note that this is still a requirement even when running with root user).
systemd Create Cloudify Services
yum Install Cloudify’s required packages
openssl-1.0.2k Generate internal/ external certificates
openssh-server Creating SSH keys during the sanity check
logrotate Rotating Cloudify log files
sed Required by the CLI
tar Required by the CLI
python-setuptools Required by Python
python-backports Required by Python
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname Required by Python
policycoreutils-python Required if SELinux is enforcing

PostgreSQL Database

sudo Passwordless sudo is required to run commands with root privileges (note that this is still a requirement even when running with root user)
systemd Create Cloudify Services
yum Install Cloudify’s required packages
logrotate Rotating Cloudify log files
python-setuptools Required by Python
python-backports Required by Python
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname Required by Python
policycoreutils-python Required if SELinux is enforcing

RabbitMQ Message Queue

systemd Create Cloudify Services
yum Install Cloudify’s required packages
logrotate Rotating Cloudify log files
initscripts Required by RabbitMQ
python-setuptools Required by Python
python-backports Required by Python
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname Required by Python
policycoreutils-python Required if SELinux is enforcing


The Cloudify Manager is a complete application. As such, it contains several installed dependencies such as PostgreSQL, NGINX, RabbitMQ, and others. It is required that you install Cloudify Manager on a standalone VM or container and do not co-locate any other applications on that machine or container (beyond possible monitoring or logging software). You must install the Cloudify Manager as described in the installation instructions in this guide.

Supported Resolution

Minimal supported resolution of screen width is 1,280 px

Supported Browsers

The browsers that Cloudify Manager Manager and Cloudify Manager Composer support are: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.