# Copyright (c) 2015 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# * limitations under the License.
from cloudify_rest_client.responses import ListResponse
from cloudify_rest_client.node_instances import NodeInstance
class DeploymentModificationNodeInstances(dict):
def __init__(self, node_instances):
self['added_and_related'] = [NodeInstance(instance) for instance
in self.get('added_and_related', [])]
self['removed_and_related'] = [NodeInstance(instance) for instance
in self.get('removed_and_related', [])]
self['before_modification'] = [NodeInstance(instance) for instance
in self.get('before_modification', [])]
self['before_rollback'] = [NodeInstance(instance) for instance
in self.get('before_rollback', [])]
def added_and_related(self):
"""List of added nodes and nodes that are related to them"""
return self['added_and_related']
def removed_and_related(self):
"""List of removed nodes and nodes that are related to them"""
return self['removed_and_related']
def before_modification(self):
"""List of node instances with their state as it existed before the
deployment modification started"""
return self['before_modification']
def before_rollback(self):
"""If deployment modification was rolledback, this will be a list of
node instances with their state as it existed before the
deployment modification was rolledback"""
return self.get('before_rollback')
class DeploymentModification(dict):
STARTED = 'started'
FINISHED = 'finished'
ROLLEDBACK = 'rolledback'
def __init__(self, modification):
self['node_instances'] = DeploymentModificationNodeInstances(
self.get('node_instances') or {})
def id(self):
"""Deployment modification id"""
return self['id']
def status(self):
"""Deployment modification status"""
return self['status']
def deployment_id(self):
"""Deployment Id the outputs belong to."""
return self['deployment_id']
def node_instances(self):
"""Dict containing added_and_related and remove_and_related node
instances list"""
return self['node_instances']
def modified_nodes(self):
"""Dict containing original modified nodes that started
this modification"""
return self['modified_nodes']
def created_at(self):
"""Deployment modification creation date"""
return self['created_at']
def ended_at(self):
"""Deployment modification end date"""
return self['ended_at']
def context(self):
"""Dict containing context that has been attached to modification.
This context has no predefined schema. Its structure can be whatever
has been attached to the modification when it was started.
return self['context']
class DeploymentModificationsClient(object):
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
def list(self, deployment_id=None, _include=None, **kwargs):
"""List deployment modifications
:param deployment_id: The deployment id (optional)
:param kwargs: Optional filter fields. for a list of available fields
see the REST service's models.DeploymentModification.fields
params = {}
if deployment_id:
params['deployment_id'] = deployment_id
uri = '/deployment-modifications'
response = self.api.get(uri, params=params, _include=_include)
items = [DeploymentModification(item) for item in response['items']]
return ListResponse(items, response['metadata'])
def start(self, deployment_id, nodes, context=None):
"""Start deployment modification.
:param deployment_id: The deployment id
:param nodes: the nodes to modify
:return: DeploymentModification dict
:rtype: DeploymentModification
assert deployment_id
data = {
'deployment_id': deployment_id,
'nodes': nodes
if context is not None:
data['context'] = context
uri = '/deployment-modifications'
response = self.api.post(uri, data,
return DeploymentModification(response)
def get(self, modification_id, _include=None):
"""Get deployment modification
:param modification_id: The modification id
uri = '/deployment-modifications/{0}'.format(modification_id)
response = self.api.get(uri, _include=_include)
return DeploymentModification(response)
def finish(self, modification_id):
"""Finish deployment modification
:param modification_id: The modification id
assert modification_id
uri = '/deployment-modifications/{0}/finish'.format(modification_id)
response = self.api.post(uri)
return DeploymentModification(response)
def rollback(self, modification_id):
"""Rollback deployment modification
:param modification_id: The modification id
assert modification_id
uri = '/deployment-modifications/{0}/rollback'.format(modification_id)
response = self.api.post(uri)
return DeploymentModification(response)