The user interface displays a predefined set of dashboard pages, each of which contains a set of widgets. The widgets are organized on each page to optimize the display of that page’s relevant data. The dashboard pages that you see depend on the user role you have.
Admin users can customize each page, including which widgets are shown and their position on the page. More details on how to do that can be found in the Customization section. More details about available built-in widgets can be found in the Widgets section.
Built-in templates
Below are the default set of pages (templates) presented per Cloudify version and user role.
Cloudify Premium Manager
Admin users
main-sys_admin template applies to sys-admin
users in all the tenants, and includes the following pages:
- Dashboard
- Blueprints
- Deployments page group:
- Executions
- Resources page group:
- System Setup page group:
Non-admin users
main-default template applies to all non-admin users in all the tenants to which they have access, and includes the following pages:
- Dashboard
- Blueprints
- Deployments page group:
- Executions
- Resources page group:
The users permissions to perform actions in these pages depend on the roles they have on the tenant.
Cloudify Community Manager
community template includes the following pages:
- Dashboard
- Blueprints
- Deployments page group:
- Executions
- Resources page group:
Built-in pages
This section presents set of pages available for admin
Dashboard Page
The Dashboard page is the landing page when you log into the Cloudify Management Console. Statistics By default, the page displays usage statistics of the Cloudify Manager, including number of services, Kubernetes clusters and Terraform modules on this Cloudify Manager. The data is presented using number of deployments widget. Actions You can also: set up a cloud account create a service create a Kubernetes cluster run a Terraform module Overview When there are no deployments created on the Cloudify Manager, then two buttons are displayed in Blueprint Deployments widget allowing to start working with Cloudify Manager.
Blueprints Page
The Blueprints page acts as the catalog of blueprints that are available for use on this Cloudify Management Console. It provides a list of the blueprints uploaded to the Cloudify Manager and action buttons to upload, deploy and delete them. Blueprint marketplace In addition to uploading a blueprint from a specified package or a Terraform module it is possible to upload one of the blueprints predefined in the Marketplace.
Services Page
The default Services page displays the Deployments view widget which provides a list of all services and enables you to create, update and delete services and execute workflows. It also provides deployment details for the selected service. For more information check documentation pages for widgets used in this page: Create Deployment button Deployments View
Environments Page
The default Environments page displays the Deployments view widget which provides a list of all environments and enables you to create, update and delete environments and execute workflows. It also provides deployment details for the selected environment. For more information check documentation pages for widgets used in this page: Create Deployment button Deployments View
Executions Page
The default Executions page displays the number of currently running executions as well as bar graph showing number of executions in different states. In addition to that there is the Executions widget which provides a list of all the executions. The list can be filtered using the Resource filter widget. For more information check documentation pages for widgets used in this page: Number of running executions Executions statuses graph Executions Resource filter
Secrets Page
Secret storage provides a tenant-wide variable store for data that you do not want to expose in plain text in the Cloudify blueprints, such as login credentials for a platform. See Secrets widget page for details.
Plugins Page
Plugins page lists the plugins available to the current tenant. By default, plugins are tenant-specific, meaning that a blueprint on one tenant cannot access a plugin on a different tenant. You can also set a plugin as global or private when you upload it to the manager. See Plugins widget page for details.
Sites Page
The default Sites page displays the Sites widget which provides a list of all sites and enables you to create, update and delete sites.
Agents Page
Agents are components installed on hosts that are part of your blueprint. The Agent executes orchestration operations locally, collects metrics and report them to the Cloudify Manager. You can find more information on Agents widget page.
Filters Page
Filters page displays a manageable list of filters. You can find more information on Filters widget page.
Tokens Page
Tokens page displays a manageable list of tokens. You can find more information on Tokens widget page.
Users Page
Users page displays a manageable list of users. Additional information about security related to users is available on the Security page. Users page is only visible and available to admin users. You can find more information on User management widget page.
Groups Page
Groups page displays a manageable list of user groups. Additional information about security related to tenants is available on the Security page. Groups page is only visible and available to admin users. You can find more information on User group management widget page.
Tenants Page
Tenants page displays a manageable list of tenants. Additional information about security related to tenants is available on the Security page. Tenants page is only visible and available to admin users. You can find more information on Tenants widget page.
System Health Page
The page contains Cluster status widget. You can access the System Health page only if you are an admin user. For more information check Cluster status widget documentation.
Logs Page
The Logs page allows you to analyse events/logs produced by your deployments. Page contains Resource Filter and Events/Logs Filter widgets for filtering events/logs listed in Events/Logs widget. Filtering Resource Filter widget allows you to select specific execution for logs/events analysis. You can filter by blueprints and deployments to limit the list of executions. You can also filter by nodes and node instances to limit the list of events/logs. Events/Logs Filter widget allows you to reduce list of events/logs by specifying log levels, event types, keywords in messages and time range.
Snapshots Page
The page contains Snapshots widget. You can access the Snapshots page only if you are an admin user. For more information check Snapshots widget documentation.