Orchestration Plugins
Docker Plugin
The Docker plugin enables you to interact with docker machine through API integration and that will enable you to: Install docker on a machine. Build Images. Create containers from images. Create mapping volumes to containers. Run Ansible playbooks inside containers. Run Terraform modules inside containers. Requirements You must already have docker installed either on your Cloudify Manager or on another machine but with access allowed on port 2375. »
Helm 3 Plugin
Helm is the first application package manager running on top of Kubernetes. It allows describing the application structure through convenient helm-charts and managing it with simple commands. Helm uses three main concepts: Charts Repository Release A Chart is a Helm package. It contains all of the resource definitions necessary to run an application, tool, or service inside of a Kubernetes cluster. Think of it like the Kubernetes equivalent of a Homebrew formula, an Apt pkg, or a Yum RPM file. »
Kubernetes Plugin
With the Cloudify Kubernetes Plugin you can define Kubernetes resources in your blueprints. Plugin Requirements Python versions: 2.7.x Kubernetes Cluster, see example cluster. Compatibility Cloudify Manager, v5.0.5 and higher. Kubernetes, v1.13 and higher. Supports GKE. Supports EKS. Supports AKS. Supports Openshift. Supports Kubespray. Authentication There are two authentication methods: token-based config-based Token-Based Authentication Cloudify Kubernetes Plugin v2.1.0+ includes support for token-based authentication. »
Terraform Plugin
Overview The Terraform plugin enables you to do the following tasks from Cloudify by using its node_types inside your blueprints: Handle Terraform binary Installation/Uninstallation [if you are not using external system setup] along side its plugins. Manage Terraform modules and sources lifecycle [ init, plan, apply, refresh, state, import, outputs, destroy ] Supports running linters and security checks [ tfsec, tflint, terratag ] Supports cost estimation for the source via [ infracost ] and the plugin does the managment of the state by storing the state in runtime and a file inside the deployment directory. »