Cloudify Manager Setup
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Cloudify offers three ways to getting started and on-boarding an orchestration manager:
- Cloudify as a Service trial allows for a complete Premium manager service, managed by Cloudify for the duration of the trial period. Request your trial account and you can get started with your Cloudify Manager within minutes. No hardware is required. You should have access to some IaaS to run your orchestrated workloads on.
- Cloudify Premium Trial provides a fully functional Premium manager as a Docker container image. Get the image, request your Cloudify trial activation key and run Cloudify locally or in any IaaS. A docker setup is expected. You should have access to some IaaS to run your orchestrated workloads on.
- Cloudify Community Version offers an installer (rpm) or a docker image of the Cloudify free version. You may download and try this version for no cost with no time limit. A docker/VM setup is expected. You should have access to some IaaS to run your orchestrated workloads on.
Cloudify as a Service
Try our hosted Cloudify service
Cloudify as Kubernetes Service
Deploy Cloudify to Kubernetes cluster with our helm chart
Cloudify Premium Trial
Installing Cloudify trial manager
Community version
Download page and getting started links for the community version
Local Command Line Interface
This guide illustrates how to use {{< param product_name >}} docker image as local CLI client
For advanced users, this page contains all of Cloudify's deployment packages