This section provides a description of all the widgets that are included by default in Cloudify Manager (out-of-the-box).
- Some of these widgets are presented in the initial page templates, and other can be added from the widgets catalog.
- Some widgets require additional configuration. In the event that configuration is mandatory, the mandatory requirements are included in the widget descriptions.
- Many widgets have non-mandatory configuration that enables you to customize them to your requirements.
- Some widgets are only available for
users. - Some widgets are only available for specific Cloudify license editions.
- You can sort data in table-style widgets by clicking on a column header.
For more details about adding widgets, placing them on a page and changing configuration, see Edit Mode page.
The following widgets descriptions are listed in an alphabetical order, as they do in the widgets catalog:
Agents Management
Displays the following information about a specific agent: Id - unique identifier of the agent IP - IP address of the agent host Deployment - Deployment ID associated with agent Node - Node ID associated with agent System - agent host operation system Version - agent version Install Method - agent installation method (one of described here) By clicking buttons above the table you can execute the following operations:
Blueprint Action Buttons
Buttons that allow performing actions on a selected blueprint - creating a deployment from it, deleting the blueprint or editing a copy of the blueprint in Composer (available only as part of the Cloudify Premium edition). The action buttons need to receive the id of the desired blueprint. This can be accomplished in two ways: By placing the buttons in a blueprint’s drill-down page, meaning the blueprint has been selected before entering the page, and its id is included in the page’s context.
Blueprint deployments
Displays the list of the deployments in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. The data can be displayed as a table or list. Features Deployment basic information The Deployments widget displays a list of deployments in the current tenant. The displayed information is: Deployment name, the blueprint which the deployment is derived from, the deployments creation and last update dates, the name of the user who created the deployment, and the number of node instances per state.
Blueprint Info
Displays the following information about a specific blueprint: Picture Name Visibility level Creation time Last update time Creator user-name Main blueprint file name (as the blueprint archive can contain multiple files) Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds Blueprint ID - The blueprint ID must be passed to the widget. This can be done either by placing the widget in a blueprint’s drill-down page (in which case the blueprint ID is automatically passed in the page’s context), or by specifying the blueprint ID in this configuration field.
Blueprint Sources
Displays all the source files in a blueprint package in tree view, adjacent to the code. When you click an item in the tree, its code is displayed in the code panel. You can also open the file in full mode by clicking on the gray box presenting its name in the top right corner of the widget. If blueprint imports another blueprint, then all imported blueprint will be listed under Imported blueprints node in tree view.
Blueprint upload button
This button allows uploading a blueprint to the manager. Clicking on it opens a dialog for providing the following details: Blueprint visibility (optional) - represented by a colourful icon in the upper right corner, and can be set by clicking on it. See resource’s visibility. Default: tenant Blueprint package - single YAML file or blueprint archive (local or URL). Blueprint Name - unique name to identify the blueprint on the manager.
Displays all the blueprints on the tenant, according to the user’s permissions and the blueprints visibility levels. The data can be displayed as a table or a catalog. Features Blueprint basic information The following information is displayed: Icon image file Name Visibility level Creation time Last update time Creator user-name Main blueprint file name (as the blueprint archive can contain multiple files) Number of deployments derived from the blueprint Blueprint actions There are also action buttons to upload a blueprint, create deployment, delete blueprint or edit blueprint copy in Cloudify Composer.
Blueprints Catalog
Displays blueprints from a repository under a configurable Github account or from an HTTP endpoint providing JSON response. By default, the widget presents the blueprints listed in JSON file taken from widget configuration. The widget includes an upload option for each of the blueprints, which lets you easily upload it to the current tenant on the manager. After uploading a blueprint from the catalog, you will be able to see it under the Blueprints widget.
Button link
Opens the specified URL in a separate tab. You can define the label that appears on the button Settings Button label - The text to appear on the button URL address - The URL to be opened upon clicking on the button. Full height - Stretches the button vertically to fill entire widget’s height Color - The button’s color
Cluster Status
Displays status of the Cloudify cluster divided into 3 cluster services: Manager, Database, Message Broker. Cluster services can have the following statuses: OK - service type cell background is green, Degraded - service type cell background is yellow, Fail - service type cell background is red. Each cluster node is presented with: Status - on hovering status icon you can see popup with details, you can copy raw info about node status to clipboard to get even more details, Private IP, Public IP / Load Balancer IP - in case of Manager node, you can click on the IP to go to Cloudify UI of that specific node, Version, ID - displayed in popup on hovering ID button.
Composer link
Opens the Cloudify Composer, which allows creating blueprints with a graphical drag-and-drop tool. The Cloudify Composer comes as part of the Cloudify Premium Manager, and is only available for users with certain roles. Settings None
Create deployment button
Allows creating a deployment of a chosen blueprint. After choosing a name for the deployment, the desired blueprint and the visibility of the deployment (private/tenant), a screen will open, allowing to specify values for the inputs required by the chosen blueprint. Settings None
Deployment action buttons
Buttons which allow running workflows of a specific deployment, updating it or deleting it. The deployment can be selected in one of the following ways: By placing the deployment action buttons in the deployments drill-down page, meaning the deployment has been selected before entering the page, and its id is included in the page’s context. By adding to the page a widget allowing to select deployments, such as the resources filter or the blueprint deployments Settings None
Deployment Info
Displays the following information about a specific deployment: Name Description Visibility level Blueprint name Site name Creation time Last update time Creator username Settings Refresh time interval - Time interval in which widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds Show blueprint name - Defines whether deployment’s blueprint name should be displayed. Default: On Show site name - Defines whether deployment’s site name should be displayed.
Deployment Inputs
Presents the names and values of the inputs of a specific deployment. The deployment can be selected in one of the following ways: By placing the deployment inputs widget in the deployments drill-down page, meaning the deployment has been selected before entering the page, and its id is included in the page’s context. By adding to the page a widget allowing to select deployments, such as the resources filter or the blueprint deployments.
Deployment Outputs/Capabilities
Presents the names and values of the outputs and capabilities of a specific deployment. The deployment can be selected in one of the following ways: By placing the deployment outputs widget in the deployments drill-down page, meaning the deployment has been selected before entering the page, and its id is included in the page’s context. By adding to the page a widget allowing to select deployments, such as the resources filter or the blueprint deployments.
Deployment wizard buttons
Allows installing a deployment of a Hello World example or chosen blueprint. After clicking on one of the buttons user is guided step by step through the process from selecting blueprint, through providing necessary data - plugins, secrets and inputs, to running install workflow. Steps Details about the steps in wizard are described below. Infrastructure step (only in Hello World Wizard) In the first step Hello World blueprint is already selected from Cloudify blueprint examples.
Events and Logs
Displays the logs and events of all the executions in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. You can configure the fields that are displayed and can choose to indicate in colors success and failure messages. You can sort events/logs by Timestamp (default), Blueprint, Deployment, Node Id, Node Instance Id, Workflow, Operation and Type. Sometimes error logs may contain additional information about error cause. This will be indicated by icon in the Message column.
Events and Logs Filter
Displays a filter pane for events and logs. The following filtering options are available: Type - Logs/Events Event Types - predefined event types: Policy end successfully started, Policy failed, Processing trigger, Task ended successfully, Task failed, Task received, Task rescheduled, Task retried, Task sent, Task started, Trigger failed, Trigger succeeded, Workflow cancelled, Workflow ended successfully, Workflow event, Workflow failed, Workflow initializing node, Workflow initializing policies, Workflow node event, Workflow received, Workflow staged, Workflow started.
Displays data about the executions in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. Features Executions list By default, the presented details include the blueprint and deployment of the execution, name of the workflow, the time that it was created and ended, execution creator, execution attributes, its status and actions menu. Attributes In Attributes column you can see one of these icons: - Dry Run - System Workflow Actions In the actions menu on the right side of the execution row (click to open) you can perform additional actions on the execution:
Executions Statuses Graph
Displays the number of executions per status as a bar chart graph. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 5 seconds.
Maintenance Mode button
This Button allows to activate Maintenance Mode. Maintenance Mode can only be activated by admin users. You can activate Maintenance Mode by clicking Activate Maintenance Mode button. To enter Maintenance Mode, click Yes in the Are you sure you want to enter maintenance mode? dialog. In order for Maintenance Mode to be activated, all running workflows must be stopped. During the Maintenance Mode activation process, Cloudify Manager waits for all running executions to finish.
Nodes List
Displays a list of the existing nodes in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. The node’s blueprint and deployment, type, connected nodes, number of instances, and nodes groups of which the node is part are displayed. The nodes are listed by name. When you select a node, either by clicking its name in the table or by clicking it in the Topology pane, additional data about the node’s instances is displayed: The instances names, statuses, relationships and runtime properties.
Nodes Statistics
Displays the number of node instances, according to their status. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds
Number of blueprints
Displays the total number of blueprints in the tenant, according to the user’s permissions and the blueprints’ visibility levels. The widget is clickable, and upon clicking will redirect by default to the “Local Blueprint” page. You can set the widget’s configuration to lead to a different page. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds. Page to open on click - The name of the page to be redirected to upon clicking on the widget.
Number of compute nodes
Displays the total number of compute nodes created on the tenant, according to the user’s permissions. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 30 seconds.
Number of deployments
Displays the total number of deployments in the tenant, according to the user’s permissions and the blueprints’ visibility levels. The widget is clickable, and upon clicking will redirect by default to the “Deployments” page. You can set the widget’s configuration to lead to a different page. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds. Page to open on click - The name of the page to be redirected to upon clicking on the widget.
Number of nodes
Displays the total number of nodes created on the tenant, according to the user’s permissions. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 30 seconds.
Number of plugins
Displays the total number of plugins in the tenant, according to the user’s permissions and the blueprints’ visibility levels. The widget is clickable, and upon clicking will redirect by default to the “System Resources” page. You can set the widget’s configuration to lead to a different page. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 30 seconds. Page to open on click - The name of the page to be redirected to upon clicking on the widget.
Number of running executions
Displays the total number of executions which are currently running, i.e, in one of the following statuses: ‘pending’, ‘started’, ‘cancelling’, ‘force_cancelling’, according to the user’s permissions. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds.
Only my resources
Shows a toggle allowing to filter only resources created by the logged in user. The supported resources are blueprints, deployments, plugins and snapshots. Settings None
Plugin upload button
Opens the plugin upload screen, from which permitted users can specify the plugin’s wagon and yaml file (URL or local files) and visibility level of the plugins they wish to upload to the current tenant. Settings None
Plugins Catalog
A widget listing all the latest releases of the officially supported Cloudify plugins, and allows uploading them to the current tenant. Settings Plugins Catalog JSON Source - The json file from which the widget reads the plugins list. Sort by name - if set to true, then plugins will be sorted by name. Default: No
Plugins List
Displays a list of all the plugins uploaded to the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions, and enables their management. From this widget you can upload, delete, and download the plugins. Features Plugins details The widget displays the following information: Plugin icon Plugin name Plugin Package name Plugin Package version Supported platform Distribution the plugin is supported on Distribute release Uploaded at Creator Upon hovering over ID label a pop up with the plugin’s ID will open, allowing you to copy it to the clipboard.
Resource Filter
This widget provides the ability to filter the data presented in other widgets on the page according to a specific resource. By default, the widget allows filtering by blueprint, deployment and execution, and you can also add fields to filter by node, node instance and more, by configuring the widget’s settings. Settings Refresh time interval - The time interval in which the widget’s data will be refreshed, in seconds.
Secrets Store Management
Displays all the secrets visible to the logged-in user in the current tenant (including global secrets). The widget provides the following information: Secret key Secret visibility level represented by the icon next to the key. Permitted users (the secret’s creator, sys admins or tenant managers of the current tenant) can set the secret’s visibility by clicking on this icon. Secret value If the secret’s value is not hidden from the logged-in user, clicking on the “eye” icon will present its value, like in the following example, in which the logged-in user is a sys admin: If the secret’s value is hidden and the logged-in user isn’t the secret’s creator or has admin/manager permissions in the tenant, then the same clicking will result in a red “restricted” sign, as seen here:
Displays the list of sites and enables their management. Features Site basic information The widget provides the following information: Name Visibility level - Represented by the icon next to the name. Permitted users (the sites’s creator, sys admins or tenant managers of the current tenant) can set the site’s visibility by clicking on this icon. Location - The location of the site, represented by latitude and longitude. On hovering aim icon you can see popup with map and marked location.
Sites Map
Displays the world map with defined sites marked. Only sites with defined location are displayed on the map. The widget is available only when Premium or Spire license is activated on the Cloudify Manager. Site markers The color of the site marker on the map indicates the site’s health. It is derived from the status of the deployments attached to the site. After clicking the site marker on the map, the user is presented with a popup with the status breakdown of the deployments assigned with the site.
Snapshots List
Displays a list of snapshots of the Manager - both snapshots that were created on this manager, and snapshots uploaded to it. This widget is only available to users with the ‘admin’ role. Snapshots are always created with “private” visibility, which cannot be set to a different visibility level. Features Snapshot basic information The widget exposes the following information on each snapshot: Id - the name given to the snapshot upon creation Visibility - always “private” for snapshots Creation time Status - one of: created/creating/failed/uploading/uploaded Creator Snapshot actions In the right column of every snapshot, the widget exposes the following action buttons:
Spire Manager
Displays the list of the deployments created using Cloudify Spire plugin in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. The data is displayed in a table. Spire Manager can only be used on Cloudify with Spire license edition. Features Presented data You can see IP addresses, names and status of the cluster created by Spire deployment. Detailed status about specific cluster is presented after hovering the status icon:
Tenant Management
Displays a list of tenants on the Manager and enables tenant management. This widget is only available to admin users. Features Tenants information The widget displays the following information regarding each of the tenants: Name Number of user-groups assigned to the tenant Number of users directly assigned to the tenant (not as part of groups) Tenants actions The hamburger menu on the right of every tenant allows performing the following operations:
Displays text provided in the configuration of the widget in markdown syntax. Settings Header - the header to be presented as the textbox’s title Content - the text to be presented in the textbox itself, in Markdown syntax. Header text color - Can be picked out of the suggested colors Header text size (px) - Size of the header Header text font - Font of the header Content text color - Can be picked out of the suggested colors Content text size (px) - Size of the header Content text font - Font of the header
Displays the topology of a selected blueprint or deployment. The blueprint or deployment ID must be selected in one of the following ways: By placing the widget in the blueprints/deployments drill-down page, meaning the blueprint/deployment has been selected before entering the page, and its id is included in the page’s context. By adding to the page a widget allowing to select blueprints or deployments, such as the resources filter, the blueprints list or the blueprint deployments.
User Group Management
Displays the list of user groups and enables their management. This widget is only available to admin users. Features User Groups information The widget displays the following information regarding each of the user groups: Name LDAP group When working with an ldap-based external authentication system, this fields identifies the LDAP user group which is connected to the current Cloudify user-group. Admin If checked, all users who are members of this groups will have the role of sys-admins on the manager.
User Management
Displays the list of users and enables their management. This widget is only available to admin users. Features Users information The widget displays the following information regarding each of the user groups: Username Last login timestamp Admin - whether or not the user is sys admin on the Cloudify manager (you can check and uncheck this filed to make changes) Active - whether or not the user is active (you can check and uncheck this field to make changes) # Groups - number of groups the user is a member of # Tenants - number of tenants the user is assigned with Users actions The hamburger menu on the right of every tenant allows performing the following operations: