Multi-cloud JBoss Example

This example demonstrates deploying JBoss web server and application on a chosen infrastructure.

The infrastructure can be one of the following:

The infrastructure deployment consists of:

the second deployment consists of the chosen infrastructure, JBoss, and a sample page.


This example expects the following prerequisites:

CLI or Management Console?

Cloudify allows for multiple user interfaces. Some users find the Cloudify Management Console (web based UI) more intuitive while others prefer the Cloudify CLI (Command Line Interface). This tutorial and all following ones will describe both methods.

Cloudify Management Console

This section explains how to run the above described steps using the Cloudify Management Console. The Cloudify Management Console and Cloudify CLI can be used interchangeably for all Cloudify activities.

Create Secrets

To connect to an infrastructure, a set of credentials are required. Cloudify recommends storing such sensitive information in a Cloudify secret. Secrets are kept encrypted in a secure way and used in run-time by the system. Learn more about Cloudify secrets here.

In this example, an infrastructure provider is selected during blueprint install. To ensure the correct secrets are created, use the following table to import the secrets for the provider selected.

Infrastructure Provider Example
AWS Infrastructure provisioning basics
AWS (Terraform) Infrastructure provisioning basics
AWS (Cloudformation) Infrastructure provisioning basics
GCP Infrastructure provisioning basics
Azure Infrastructure provisioning basics
Azure (ARM) Infrastructure provisioning basics
OpenStack Infrastructure provisioning basics

To store the access keys as secrets in the Cloudify manager, login to the Cloudify Management Console and select the System Resources page. Scroll to the Secret Store Management widget and use the Create button to add the following new secrets:

Upload Plugins

Plugins are Cloudify’s extendable interfaces to services, cloud providers and automation tools. I.e., connecting to AWS requires the AWS plugin.

To upload the required plugins to your manager, select the Cloudify Catalog page, scroll to the Plugins Catalog widget and select the plugins you wish to upload.

For this example, upload the following plugins:

Upload Blueprint

A Cloudify blueprint is a general purpose model for describing systems, services or any orchestrated object topology. Blueprints are represented as descriptive code (yaml based files) and typically stored and managed as part of the source repository. The infrastructure blueprint is available here.

The flow required to setup a service consists of:

  1. Upload the blueprint describing the service to the Cloudify Manager.
  2. Create a deployment from the uploaded blueprint. This generates a model of the service topology in the Cloudify database and provides the “context” needed for running workflows.
  3. Run the install workflow for the created deployment to apply the model to the infrastructure.

Let’s run these one by one.

To upload a blueprint to the Cloudify manager, select the Local Blueprints page, and use the Upload button.

Upload a Cloudify Blueprint

Deploy & Install

Once the blueprint is uploaded, it will be displayed in the Blueprints widget. to deploy the blueprint click the Create deployment button next to the blueprint you wish to deploy. Specify a deployment name, update any inputs (such as the infrastructure region), and click Deploy & Install. Changing inputs is completely optional and the defaults are safe to use.

Create a Cloudify Deployment

You will be directed to the Deployment page and will be able to track the progress of the execution.

The deployment you have created should be displayed in the deployments list in the Deployments page.

Track the progress of a Cloudify Workflow


In this example we have setup a simple infrastructure. A virtual instance (VM) was created in the region specified in the Deployment inputs alongside a new network and various other resources.

To login to your new instance, you can look at the Deployment Outputs/Capabilities widget on the Deployment screen to find your instance public IP, SSH username, and SSH private key.

Get Cloudify Deployment outputs


To remove the deployment and destroy the orchestrated infrastructure resources, run the Uninstall workflow by clicking the Execute workflow menu next to the deployment, expanding Default workflows, and selecting Uninstall.

Cloudify CLI

Create Secrets

To enable Cloudify to connect to infrastructure, credentials are required. Cloudify recommends storing such sensitive information as a Cloudify secret. Secrets are encrypted in a secure way and used during run-time by the system. Learn more about Cloudify secrets here.

In this example, an infrastructure provider is selected during blueprint install. To ensure the correct secrets are created, use the following table to import the secrets for the provider selected.

Infrastructure Provider Example
AWS Infrastructure provisioning basics
AWS (Terraform) Infrastructure provisioning basics
AWS (Cloudformation) Infrastructure provisioning basics
GCP Infrastructure provisioning basics
Azure Infrastructure provisioning basics
Azure (ARM) Infrastructure provisioning basics
OpenStack Infrastructure provisioning basics

Upload Plugins

Plugins are Cloudify’s extendable interfaces to services, cloud providers, and automation tools. For example, connecting to AWS requires the AWS plugin. You may upload specific plugins or, for simplicity, upload the plugin bundle containing all of the basic, pre-packaged, plugins.

To upload the default plugins bundle (this may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed):

cfy plugins bundle-upload

Tip: Read more about Cloudify plugins and writing your own plugins.

Upload Blueprint and Deploy

A Cloudify blueprint is a general purpose model for describing systems, services or any orchestrated object topology. Blueprints are represented as descriptive code (YAML-based files) and are typically stored and managed as part of the source code repository.

The infrastructure blueprint is available here.

Uploading a blueprint to Cloudify can be done by direct upload or by providing the link in the source code repository. The flow to do that is:

  1. Upload the blueprint.
  2. Create a deployment from the uploaded blueprint. This generates a model of the service topology in the Cloudify database and provides the “context” needed for running workflows.
  3. Run the install workflow for the created deployment to apply the model to the infrastructure.

In order to perform this flow as a single unit, we will use the install command.

cfy install -n mc-jboss.yaml -i infra_name=<YOUR_INFRASTRUCTURE_NAME>

Replace YOUR_INFRASTRUCTURE_NAME with any of the following -


In this example we have setup a simple infrastructure with a JBoss application. A virtual instance (VM) was created in the region specified in the Deployment inputs alongside a new network and various other resources.

Tip: To check out some more commands to use with the Cloudify Management Console, run cfy --help

To get the Outputs of our deployment run:

cfy deployment outputs

The returned output would look like:

Retrieving outputs for deployment
 - "admin_url":
     Description: Administration console URL

Copy and paste the URL Value into your browser, you should see the JBoss HAL management console.

An even easier way to review your deployment is through the Cloudify Management Console. Login to the console and browse to the Deployments page. Select the deployment ( and explore the topology, inputs, outputs, nodes, and logs.

Successful Cloudify Deployment

This is also a good time to examine the Cloudify blueprint used in the example. The blueprint can be examined in the Cloudify Management Console, however in this case we will go to the Cloudify examples repository in Github and examine it there: mc-jboss.yaml


To remove the deployment and delete all resources, simply run the uninstall command:

cfy uninstall