Workflow and Execution Parameters
Workflows can have parameters. Workflow parameters are declared in the blueprint, and each parameter can be declared as either mandatory or optional with a default value. To learn more about parameter declaration please refer to Creating your own workflow.
cfy workflows get my_workflow -d my_deployment
This command shows information on the my_workflow
workflow of the my_deployment
deployment, including the workflow’s mandatory parameters as well as the optional parameters and their default values.
Example: Retrieving a workflow’s parameters
$ cfy workflows get -d my_deployment -w my_workflow
Getting workflow 'my_workflow' of deployment 'my_deployment' [manager=]
| blueprint_id | deployment_id | name | created_at |
| my_blueprint | my_deployment | my_workflow | None |
Workflow Parameters:
Mandatory Parameters:
mandatory_parameter (this parameter is mandatory)
Optional Parameters:
optional_parameter: optional_parameter_default_value (this parameter is optional)
nested_parameter: {'key2': 'value2', 'key1': 'value1'} (this parameter is also optional)
*, and two optional parameters, one named* optional_parameter
*which has a default value of* optional_parameter_default_value
*, and another named* nested_parameter
*which has a complex default value.*
Example: Executing a workflow with parameters
$ cfy executions start -d my_deployment -w my_workflow -p my_parameters.yaml
Executing workflow 'my_workflow' on deployment 'my_deployment' at management server [timeout=900 seconds]
2014-12-04T10:02:47 CFY <my_deployment> Starting 'my_workflow' workflow execution
2014-12-04T10:02:47 CFY <my_deployment> 'my_workflow' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow 'my_workflow' on deployment'my_deployment'
* Run 'cfy events list --include-logs --execution-id 7cfd8b9c-dcd6-41bc-bc88-6aa0b00ffa62' for retrieving the execution's events/logs
mandatory_parameter: mandatory_parameter_value
key1: overridden_value
for the mandatory_parameter
parameter, and overriding the value of the nested_parameter
parameter with a new complex value (though it could have been overridden with a non-complex value as well).
cfy executions get my_execution
Example: Retrieving an execution’s parameters
$ cfy executions get -e 7cfd8b9c-dcd6-41bc-bc88-6aa0b00ffa62
Getting execution: '7cfd8b9c-dcd6-41bc-bc88-6aa0b00ffa62' [manager=]
| id | workflow_id | status | created_at | error |
| 7cfd8b9c-dcd6-41bc-bc88-6aa0b00ffa62 | my_workflow | terminated | 2014-12-04 10:02:22.728372 | |
Execution Parameters:
nested_parameter: {'key1': 'overridden_value'}
optional_parameter: optional_parameter_default_value
mandatory_parameter: mandatory_parameter_value
The workflow was executed with three parameters with the presented values. It can be seen that the optional parameter
parameter was assigned with its default value, while the nested_parameter
parameter’s value was overridden with the new complex value.