
The cfy executions command is used to manage workflow executions on Cloudify Manager.

You can use the command to start, cancel and and list executions and to retrieve information about a single execution.

You can also schedule executions to start in a specific date and time in the future (using the --schedule flag).

Optional flags

These commands support the common CLI flags.




cfy executions start [OPTIONS] WORKFLOW_ID

Execute a workflow on a given deployment

WORKFLOW_ID is the ID of the workflow to execute (e.g. uninstall)

Optional flags



$ cfy executions start install -d cloudify-nodecellar-example

Executing workflow install on deployment cloudify-nodecellar-example [timeout=900 seconds]
2017-03-29 11:34:11.704  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> Starting 'install' workflow execution
2017-03-29 11:34:12.204  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> [hos...
2017-03-29 11:36:47.537  CFY <cloudify-nodecellar-example> 'install' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow install on deployment cloudify-nodecellar-example
* Run 'cfy events list -e f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae' to retrieve the execution's events/logs




cfy executions cancel [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Cancel a workflow’s execution

EXECUTION_ID - The ID of the execution to be canceled.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions cancel eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793

Cancelling execution eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793
A cancel request for execution eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793 has been sent. To track the execution's status, use:
cfy executions get eba71d2b-2456-4423-acb0-f8fc7324e793




cfy executions list [options]

List executions.

If DEPLOYMENT_ID is provided, lists executions for that deployment. Otherwise, lists executions for all deployments.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions list

Listing all executions...

|                  id                  |          workflow_id          |   status   | deployment_id |        created_at        | error | permission |  tenant_name   | created_by |
| fa330011-1f33-4e6c-82cb-a4537e13c950 |            install            | terminated |   nodecellar  | 2017-03-28 07:47:04.733  |       |  creator   | default_tenant |   admin    |
| 261ac6f8-c75d-4e28-9c62-646925cd326c |           uninstall           | terminated |   nodecellar  | 2017-03-28 07:55:02.582  |       |  creator   | default_tenant |   admin    |




cfy executions summary <field> [optional sub-field] [OPTIONS]

Summarizes executions, giving a count of elements with each distinct value for the selected field. If a sub-field is selected then a count will be given for each distinct field and sub-field combination, as well as totals for each field.

For valid field/sub-field names, invoke cfy executions summary



$ cfy executions summary deployment_id
Retrieving summary of executions on field deployment_id

Execution summary by deployment_id
| deployment_id | executions |
|      sga1     |     2      |
|      sga3     |     2      |
|      sga2     |     2      |
|       s3      |     2      |
|       s2      |     2      |
|       s1      |     2      |
|       s5      |     2      |
|       s4      |     2      |
|      sg1      |     2      |


$ cfy executions summary workflow_id status
Retrieving summary of executions on field workflow_id

Execution summary by workflow_id
|          workflow_id          |   status   | executions |
|        create_snapshot        | terminated |     1      |
|        create_snapshot        |   TOTAL    |     1      |
| create_deployment_environment | terminated |     9      |
| create_deployment_environment |   TOTAL    |     9      |
|            install            | terminated |     9      |
|            install            |   TOTAL    |     9      |
|        restore_snapshot       |  started   |     1      |
|        restore_snapshot       |   TOTAL    |     1      |




cfy executions get [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Retrieve information for a specific execution.

EXECUTION_ID is the execution about which to retrieve information.

Optional flags



$ cfy executions get f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae

Retrieving execution f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae

|                  id                  | workflow_id |   status   |        deployment_id        |        created_at        |        ended_at          | error | permission |  tenant_name   | created_by |
| f38ad989-d09e-4b68-b041-ac63aeacb9ae |   install   | terminated | cloudify-nodecellar-example | 2017-03-29 11:34:11.014  | 2017-03-29 11:34:11.410  |       |  creator   | default_tenant |   admin    |

Execution Parameters:


cfy executions resume [OPTIONS] EXECUTION_ID

Resume the execution of a workflow in a failed or cancelled state.

EXECUTION_ID is the ID of the execution to resume. The workflow will run again, restoring the tasks graph from the storage, and retrying failed tasks when necessary. If reset-operations is passed, tasks that were started but didn’t fail will be retried as well.

Optional flags


$ cfy executions resume 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e
Resuming execution 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e
A resume request for execution 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e has been sent. To track the execution's status, use:
cfy executions get 19280e9a-7163-4066-b4f4-a09aaed6dd0e