SSH Key Plugin
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These features are part of the utilities plugin.
Cloudify Utilities: SSH Key
This plugin enables a user to create a private and public key.
- Tested with Cloudify Manager 4.0+.
- For Cloudify Manager 4.0 and above: Private key can be stored in secret store.
Example 1:
Node Template with Secret Creation:
type: cloudify.keys.nodes.RSAKey
key_name: { get_input: agent_key_name }
openssh_format: true
use_secret_store: true
On this example we created a SSH key(private and public) and stored its values on secret store.
The names of the secrets will be: key_name_private, key_name_public.
From version 1.20.0 of utilities plugin the user can create key by using existing SSH key secrets.
Example 2:
Lets say we deployed the last example with key_name: ‘my_key’, as mentioned before two secrets will be created(my_key_private, my_key_public).
Then if we deploy this node:
type: cloudify.keys.nodes.RSAKey
key_name: 'my_key'
openssh_format: true
use_secret_store: true
use_secrets_if_exists: true
this node will use the existing secrets my_key_private and my_key_public as his key values.If the secrets dont exitst
- The owner of the secrets is the first deployed node so if the user will perform uninstall the secrets will be deleted and our example node will not be valid anymore. Also, if the user first uninstall our example node(second example), the secrets will not be deleted because this node is not the owner of this key secrets.
- When enabling “use_secrets_if_exists” then “use_secret_store” must be enabled too.