Deployment Metric Graph

Displays a chart or charts (up to 5) presenting metric of data collected by using a monitoring plugin in a specific deployment. If when installing Cloudify Manager, influxDB was also installed on the manager, the widgets will read the data from it. Otherwise, an external endpoint for influxDB can be set in the UI’s configurations. You can select the metrics to be displayed in the widget, and define their properties in the widget’s configuration dialog, as long as this data is indeed being collected for the deployments.

In Cloudify examples, the monitoring is implemented using the Diamond plugin, and the data is being collected to InfluxDB which is installed on the Manager.

You must supply at least one metric or database query in the widget configuration, and choose the specific node instance you want to present the data of.

You must also provide the Blueprint, Deployment, Node and Node instance IDs, either in the page context or in the widget configuration.

Widget Settings


multi-metric example with line charts

multi-metric example with bar charts

single-metric example with area chart