Creating Policies

Policy Types Blueprint Definition

Policy types are specified in the blueprint along with a reference to their implementation and properties that configure instances of them.

An example (followed by an explanation):

    source: my_policy/my_policy_type.clj
        description: >
          prop1 is probably the most important property
          of my_policy_type
        description: >
          prop2 is a little less important, so we have a default
          for it
        default: 15.0

Policy types are defined under the policy_types section of the blueprint.

Policy Type Implementation

The implementation of policy types is written in Clojure and more specifically using Riemann’s API with a thin layer provided by Cloudify.

An example: my_policy/my_policy_type.clj

(where (metric {{prop2}})
  (with :state "{{prop1}}")

First notice how prop2 and prop1 are being referenced in double curly braces. The implementation is actually a Jinja2 template that is used to generate the actual implementation when the policy engine is started.

For each event whose metric value is equal to the value of prop2, the event’s state field is set to the value of prop1 and this event is delegated to the process-policy-triggers stream. In terms of Riemann, though, this is a very simple stream definition.

The process-policy-triggers stream executes all triggers specified for the instantiated policy in a deployment dedicated thread pool. Executing the triggers in a different thread pool is important, as the policies themselves should be non-blocking. If policies performed blocking operations, the entire deployment event stream would be blocked by each policy that performs them.

There is also a related function provided - check-restraints-and-process, which checks the list of restraints before it processes triggers. Right now there are two built-in restraints that can be turned off in the blueprint if needed (using policy properties is_node_started_before_workflow and interval_between_workflows). If they both return true, this function proceeds with process-policy-triggers.