Metrics Workflow

This section describes the workflow for streaming metrics from a host to a Cloudify management environment. The following diagram illustrates the flow.

sequenceDiagram participant AD as agent (Diamond) participant BR as broker (RabbitMQ) participant RR as router (Riemann) participant REST participant PP as Proprietary poller participant MDB as metrics DB (InfluxDB) participant UI as UI (ReactJS) participant MW as Management Worker AD->>BR: send event Note over BR: queued RR->>BR: poll events RR->>RR: analyze stream RR->>REST: trigger policy event BR->>PP: retrieve event PP->>MDB: store event REST->>BR: submit task Note over MDB: stored CR->>MW: poll task MW->>BR: poll task

Monitoring Agent

Diamond is the default agent used by Cloudify for sending metrics back to the Cloudify management environment.

Metrics Exchange (Broker)

RabbitMQ stores metrics within a metrics-dedicated, non-durable, non-exclusive topic exchange. After a metric is consumed it is removed from the queue. If you remove the proprietary consumer, you can connect an external system to the RabbitMQ to consume metrics, but this is not an officially supported implementation.

The RabbitMQ connection is secured by SSL and each deployments has its own vhost. The connection parameters are:

IP:	<cloudify manager ip>
user:	<by default: cloudify>
password:	<by default: c10udify>
port: <by default: 5672>
exchange:	cloudify-monitoring
routing-key:	*
virtual_host: <deployment vhost>
  ssl_enabled: True
  cert_path: <path to internal certificate on manager it is under /etc/cloudify/ssl>

RabbitMQ credentials can be set on installation.

Stream Processor

Riemann is used as an event stream processor and, by default, does not perform actions.

Metrics Database

The Cloudify proprietary consumer polls metrics from RabbitMQ, reformats them to a Cloudify-specific structure and submits them to InfluxDB.

Although InfluxDB supports JSON structured metrics by default, metric names are being structured in Graphite format due to InfluxDB performance issues. Although metric names are provided in the form of x.y.z, the entire metric structure (name + value + …) is JSON-formatted.

Message format:

{"metric": <value>, "host": <host node id>, "node_id": <host node instance id>, "path": <path of the metric>, "node_name": <node instance id>, "time": <unix timestamp>, "deployment_id": <deployment id>, "type": <metric type>}


UI ReactJS widgets are used to view the time series within InfluxDB. All queries are passed through the Cloudify backend, to enable query throttling and security.