Manual Reference Source


 * Created by kinneretzin on 18/10/2016.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { Confirm as ConfirmSemanticUiReact } from 'semantic-ui-react';

 * Confirm is a wrapper component to present simple Yes/No confirmation modal window.
 * It wraps [Semantic UI-React's Confirm component](,
 * so all properties of that component (eg. content, header, ...) can be used here.
 * ## Access
 * `Stage.Basic.Confirm`
 * ## Usage
 * ![Confirm](manual/asset/modals/Confirm_0.png)
 * ```
 * <Confirm content='Are you sure you want to remove this blueprint?'
 *          open={true}
 *          onConfirm={()=>{}}
 *          onCancel={()=>{}} />
 * ```
export default class Confirm extends Component {
    static defaultProps = {
        className: ''

    render() {
        const { confirmButton, cancelButton, className, } = this.props;

        return (
                confirmButton={confirmButton || 'Yes'}
                cancelButton={cancelButton || 'No'}
                className={`confirmModal ${className}`}