Manual Reference Source


 * Created by kinneretzin on 15/11/2016.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Input, Checkbox, Dropdown, Form } from '../index';
import { getToolbox } from '../../../utils/Toolbox';

 * GenericField is a generic component which can be used as different input fields in {@link Form} component
 * It is used widely in widget configuration modal. Constant values used for defining field type are described below.
 * ## Access
 * `Stage.Basic.Form.GenericField`
 * ## Usage
 * ### String input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_1.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="stringTest" type={GenericField.STRING_TYPE}
 *               label="STRING_TYPE" icon="rocket" placeholder="Write text..." />
 * ```
 * ### Password input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_2.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="passwordTest" type={GenericField.PASSWORD_TYPE}
 *               label="PASSWORD_TYPE" icon="key" value="" />
 * ```
 * ### Number input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_3.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="numberTest" type={GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE}
 *               label="NUMBER_TYPE" value="5" min={1} max={10} />
 * ```
 * ### Boolean input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_4.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="booleanTest" type={GenericField.BOOLEAN_TYPE}
 *               label="BOOLEAN_TYPE" value="true" />
 * ```
 * ### List input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_5.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="listTest" type={GenericField.LIST_TYPE}
 *               label="LIST_TYPE" items={['a','b','c']} value='b' />
 * ```
 * ### Number list input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_6.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="numberListTest" type={GenericField.NUMBER_LIST_TYPE}
 *               label="NUMBER_LIST_TYPE" items={[1,2,3]} value={2} />
 * ```
 * ### Multi select list input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_7.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="multiSelectListTest" type={GenericField.MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE}
 *               label="MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE" value={[2,3,4]} items={[1,2,3,{value:4, name:'four'}, {value:5, name:'five'}]} />
 * ```
 * ### Editable list input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_8.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="editableListTest" type={GenericField.EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE}
 *               label="EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE" value='b' items={['a','b','c']}/>
 * ```
 * ### Editable number list input field
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_9.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="numberEditableListTest" type={GenericField.NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE}
 *               label="NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE" items={[1,2,3]} value={2}/>
 * ```
 * ### Custom field - Editable table
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_10.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="editableTable" type={GenericField.CUSTOM_TYPE} component={Stage.Basic.Form.Table}
 *               label="EDITABLE_TABLE_TYPE"
 *               columns={[
 *                 {name: "metric", label: 'Metric', default: "", type: Stage.Basic.GenericField.EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE, description: "Name of the metric to be presented on the graph",
 *                  items: ["", "cpu_total_system", "cpu_total_user", "memory_MemFree", "memory_SwapFree", "loadavg_processes_running"]},
 *                 {name: 'label', label: 'Label', default: "", type: Stage.Basic.GenericField.STRING_TYPE, description: "Chart label"},
 *                 {name: 'unit', label: 'Unit', default: "", type: Stage.Basic.GenericField.STRING_TYPE, description: "Chart data unit"}
 *               ]}
 *               rows={3} />
 * ```
 * ### Custom filed - Time filter
 * ![GenericField](manual/asset/form/GenericField_11.png)
 * ```
 * <GenericField name="timeFilterTest" type={GenericField.CUSTOM_TYPE} component={Stage.Basic.TimeFilter}
 *               label="TIME_FILTER_TYPE" value={Stage.Basic.TimeFilter.DEFAULT_VALUE} />
 * ```

export default class GenericField extends Component {
     * alphanumeric input field
    static STRING_TYPE = 'string';

     * password input field
    static PASSWORD_TYPE = 'password';

     * numeric input field
    static NUMBER_TYPE = 'number';

     * two-state input field
    static BOOLEAN_TYPE = 'boolean';

     * boolean with no default
    static BOOLEAN_LIST_TYPE = 'booleanList';

     * dropdown alphanumeric list field
    static LIST_TYPE = 'list';

     * dropdown numeric list field
    static NUMBER_LIST_TYPE = 'numberList';

     * dropdown multiselection list
    static MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE = 'multiSelectList';

     * dropdown editable list
    static EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE = 'editableList';

     * dropdown editable numeric list
    static NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE = 'numberEditableList';

     * custom input field
    static CUSTOM_TYPE = 'custom';

    static isListType(type) {
        return (
            type === GenericField.LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.NUMBER_LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.BOOLEAN_LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE

     * propTypes
     * @property {string} label field's label to show above the field
     * @property {string} name name of the input field
     * @property {string} [placeholder=''] specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field
     * @property {string} [error=false] specifies if a field should be marked as field with error
     * @property {string} [type=GenericField.STRING_TYPE] specifies type of the field
     * @property {string} [icon=null] additional icon in right side of the input field
     * @property {string|element} [description=''] fields description showed in popup when user hovers field
     * @property {object} [value=''] specifies the value of an <input> element
     * @property {boolean} [required={true}] define if a field is required adding a red star icon to label
     * @property {object[]} [items=[]] list of items (for list types)
     * @property {Function} [onChange=()=>{}] function called on input value change
     * @property {number} [max=null] maximal value (only for {@link GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE} type)
     * @property {number} [min=null] minimal value (only for {@link GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE} type)
    static propTypes = {
        label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        placeholder: PropTypes.string,
        error: PropTypes.bool,
        type: PropTypes.string,
        icon: PropTypes.string,
        description: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]),
        value: PropTypes.any,
        required: PropTypes.bool,
        onChange: PropTypes.func,
        storeValueInContext: PropTypes.bool,

        // field specific configuration
        items: PropTypes.array,
        max: PropTypes.number,
        min: PropTypes.number

    static defaultProps = {
        placeholder: '',
        error: false,
        type: GenericField.STRING_TYPE,
        icon: null,
        description: '',
        value: '',
        onChange: () => {},
        storeValueInContext: false,

        // field specific configuration
        items: [],
        max: null,
        min: null

    constructor(props, context) {
        super(props, context);

        this.toolbox = getToolbox(() => {}, () => {}, null);
        this.state = GenericField.isListType(props.type) ? { options: [] } : {};

    _initOptions(props) {
        if (props.type === GenericField.BOOLEAN_LIST_TYPE) {
                options: [{ text: 'false', value: false }, { text: 'true', value: true }]
        } else if (GenericField.isListType(props.type) && props.items) {
            let valueAlreadyInOptions = false;
            const options =, item => {
                if (!_.isObject(item)) {
                    item = { name: item, value: item };

                if (item.value === props.value) {
                    valueAlreadyInOptions = true;
                return { text:, value: item.value };

            if (props.type !== GenericField.MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE && !valueAlreadyInOptions) {
                options.push({ text: props.value, value: props.value });

            this.setState({ options });

    _storeValueInContext(name, value) {
        this.toolbox.getContext().setValue([name], value);

    _handleInputChange(proxy, field) {
        if (this.props.storeValueInContext) {
            this._storeValueInContext(, field.value);
        this.props.onChange(proxy, { ...field, genericType: this.props.type });

    componentDidMount() {
        if (this.props.storeValueInContext) {
            this._storeValueInContext(, this.props.value);

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
        if (this.props.items !== prevProps.items) {

    shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
        return (
            !_.isEqual(JSON.stringify(this.props), JSON.stringify(nextProps)) ||
            !_.isEqual(JSON.stringify(this.state), JSON.stringify(nextState))

    static formatValue(type, value) {
        if (type === GenericField.MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE) {
            value = _.split(value, ',');
        } else if (type === GenericField.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
            value = (_.isBoolean(value) && value) || (_.isString(value) && value === 'true');
        } else if (
            type === GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.NUMBER_LIST_TYPE ||
            type === GenericField.NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE
        ) {
            value = parseInt(value) || 0;

        return value;

    render() {
        let field;

        if (
            this.props.type === GenericField.STRING_TYPE ||
            this.props.type === GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE ||
            this.props.type === GenericField.PASSWORD_TYPE
        ) {
            field = (
                    type={this.props.type === GenericField.STRING_TYPE ? 'text' : this.props.type}
                    value={this.props.value === null ? '' : this.props.value}
                    max={this.props.type === GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE ? this.props.max : null}
                    min={this.props.type === GenericField.NUMBER_TYPE ? this.props.min : null}
        } else if (this.props.type === GenericField.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
            field = (
                        (_.isBoolean(this.props.value) && this.props.value) ||
                        (_.isString(this.props.value) && this.props.value === 'true')
        } else if (GenericField.isListType(this.props.type)) {
            field = (
                    multiple={this.props.type === GenericField.MULTI_SELECT_LIST_TYPE}
                        this.props.type === GenericField.EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE ||
                        this.props.type === GenericField.NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE
                        this.props.type === GenericField.EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE ||
                        this.props.type === GenericField.NUMBER_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE
                    placeholder={this.props.placeholder || 'Please select'}
                    onAddItem={(e, { value }) => {
                        this.setState({ options: [{ text: value, value }, ...this.state.options] });
        } else if (this.props.type === GenericField.CUSTOM_TYPE) {
            const optionalProps = _.keys(GenericField.defaultProps);
            const requiredProps = ['name', 'label', 'component'];
            const componentProps = _.omit(this.props, [...optionalProps, ...requiredProps]);
            const CustomComponent = this.props.component;

            if (_.isUndefined(CustomComponent)) {
                return new Error(`For \`${this.props.type}\` type \`component\` prop have to be supplied.`);

            field = (
                    value={_.isUndefined(this.props.value) ? this.props.default : this.props.value}

        return (