Manual Reference Source


 * Created by pposel on 23/01/2017.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form } from 'semantic-ui-react';

import { PopupHelp } from '../index';

 * FormField is a component to present field and is used in {@link Form} component
 * FormField is a wrapper for [Semantic UI-React's Form.Field component](,
 * so all properties of that component can be used here.
 * ## Access
 * `Stage.Basic.Form.Field`
 * ## Usage
 * ### FormField with no error
 * ![FormField](manual/asset/form/FormField_0.png)
 * ### FormField with error
 * ![FormField](manual/asset/form/FormField_1.png)
 * ### FormField with help information, label and required indication
 * ![FormField](manual/asset/form/FormField_2.png)
 * ```
 * <Form onSubmit={this._createTenant.bind(this)} errors={this.state.errors} ref='createForm'>
 *   <Form.Field error={this.state.errors.tenantName}>
 *     <Form.Input name='tenantName' placeholder='Tenant name'
 *                 value={this.state.tenantName} onChange={this._handleInputChange.bind(this)}/>
 *   </Form.Field>
 * </Form>
 * ```
export default class FormField extends Component {
     * propTypes
     * @property {any} [error=false] error indicator: true - field has error, false - field has no errors (value casted to boolean by !!error)
     * @property {string|element} [help=''] if not empty, then help description is shown in popup on field's hover and focus
     * @property {string} [label=''] if not empty, then it's content is shown on top of field
     * @property {boolean} [required] if true and label is set, then red asterisk icon is presented near label
    static propTypes = {
        error: PropTypes.any,
        help: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]),
        label: PropTypes.string,
        required: PropTypes.bool

    static defaultProps = {
        error: false,
        help: '',
        label: '',
        required: false

    static getLabel(label, help) {
        return !_.isEmpty(label) ? (
                {!_.isEmpty(help) && (
                        <PopupHelp content={help} />
        ) : null;

    shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
        return !_.isEqual(this.props, nextProps);

    getFieldWrapper(props) {
        const { children, error, label, help, ...fieldProps } = props;

        return (
            <Form.Field {...fieldProps} error={!!error}>
                {FormField.getLabel(label, help)}

    render() {
        return _.isEmpty(this.props.label) && !_.isEmpty( ? (
            <PopupHelp trigger={this.getFieldWrapper(this.props)} content={} />
        ) : (