Source code for cloudify.mocks

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from cloudify.context import (CloudifyContext,
from cloudify.utils import setup_logger
from cloudify_rest_client.manager import ManagerItem, RabbitMQBrokerItem

[docs] class MockRelationshipSubjectContext(object): def __init__(self, node, instance): self.node = node self.instance = instance
[docs] class MockRelationshipContext(object): def __init__(self, target, type=None): = target self.type = type
[docs] class MockNodeInstanceContext(object): def __init__(self, id=None, runtime_properties=None, relationships=None, index=None): self._id = id self._runtime_properties = runtime_properties if relationships is None: relationships = [] self._relationships = relationships self._index = index or 0 @property def id(self): return self._id @property def runtime_properties(self): return self._runtime_properties @property def relationships(self): return self._relationships @property def index(self): return self._index
[docs] def update(self): pass
[docs] class MockNodeContext(object): def __init__(self, id=None, properties=None, type=None): self._id = id self._properties = properties self._type = type @property def id(self): return self._id @property def name(self): return self._id @property def properties(self): return self._properties @property def type(self): return self._type
[docs] class MockContext(dict): def __init__(self, values=None): self.update(values or {}) def __getattr__(self, item): return self[item]
[docs] class MockCloudifyContext(CloudifyContext): """ Cloudify context mock that can be used when testing Cloudify plugins. """ def __init__(self, node_id=None, node_name=None, node_type=None, blueprint_id=None, deployment_id=None, execution_id=None, properties=None, runtime_properties=None, relationships=None, capabilities=None, related=None, source=None, target=None, operation=None, resources=None, tenant=None, rest_token=None, provider_context=None, bootstrap_context=None, config=None, brokers=None, managers=None, index=None): tenant = tenant or {} super(MockCloudifyContext, self).__init__({ 'blueprint_id': blueprint_id, 'deployment_id': deployment_id, 'node_id': node_id, 'node_name': node_name, 'node_properties': properties, 'operation': operation, 'tenant': tenant, 'rest_token': rest_token }) self._node_id = node_id self._node_name = node_name self._deployment_id = deployment_id self._execution_id = execution_id self._properties = properties or {} self._runtime_properties = \ runtime_properties if runtime_properties is not None else {} self._resources = resources or {} self._source = source self._target = target self._tenant = tenant if capabilities and not isinstance(capabilities, ContextCapabilities): raise ValueError( "MockCloudifyContext(capabilities=?) must be " "instance of ContextCapabilities, not {0}".format( capabilities)) self._related = related self._provider_context = provider_context or {} self._bootstrap_context = bootstrap_context or BootstrapContext({}) self._mock_context_logger = setup_logger('mock-context-logger') if node_id: self._instance = MockNodeInstanceContext( id=node_id, runtime_properties=self._runtime_properties, relationships=relationships, index=index) self._capabilities = capabilities or ContextCapabilities( self._endpoint, self._instance) self._node = MockNodeContext(node_name, properties, node_type) if self._source is None and self._target: self._source = MockContext({ 'instance': None, 'node': None }) self._config = config self._brokers = brokers or [{ 'networks': { 'default': 'localhost' }, 'ca_cert_content': '', }] self._managers = managers or [{ 'networks': { 'default': 'localhost' } }] @property def execution_id(self): return self._execution_id @property def capabilities(self): return self._capabilities @property def logger(self): return self._mock_context_logger @property def provider_context(self): return self._provider_context @property def bootstrap_context(self): return self._bootstrap_context
[docs] def download_resource(self, resource_path, target_path=None): if target_path: raise RuntimeError("MockCloudifyContext does not support " "download_resource() with target_path yet") if resource_path not in self._resources: raise RuntimeError( "Resource '{0}' was not found. " "Available resources: {1}".format(resource_path, list(self._resources))) return self._resources[resource_path]
[docs] def get_resource(self, resource_path): if resource_path not in self._resources: raise RuntimeError( "Resource '{0}' was not found. " "Available resources: {1}".format(resource_path, list(self._resources))) return self._resources[resource_path]
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._properties or key in self._runtime_properties def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._runtime_properties[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._properties: return self._properties[key] return self._runtime_properties[key]
[docs] def get_config(self, scope=None, name=None): return self._config or []
[docs] def get_managers(self, network=None): return [ManagerItem(m) for m in self._managers]
[docs] def get_brokers(self, network=None): return [RabbitMQBrokerItem(b) for b in self._brokers]
[docs] def upload_deployment_file( self, target_file_path, src_file, src_file_mtime=None, ): pass
[docs] def delete_deployment_file(self, file_path): pass