Source code for cloudify.decorators

# Copyright (c) 2013 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    * limitations under the License.

import functools

from . import ctx, manager
from .utils import get_instances_of_node
from .exceptions import CloudifySerializationRetry

[docs] def operation(func=None, resumable=False, **kwargs): """This decorator is not required for operations to work. Use this for readability, and to add additional markers for the function (eg. is it resumable). """ if func: func.resumable = resumable return func else: return lambda fn: operation(fn, resumable=resumable, **kwargs)
[docs] def workflow(func=None, system_wide=False, resumable=False, **kwargs): """This decorator should only be used to decorate system wide workflows. It is not required for regular workflows. """ if func: func.workflow_system_wide = system_wide func.resumable = resumable return func else: return lambda fn: workflow(fn, system_wide=system_wide, resumable=resumable, **kwargs)
[docs] def serial_operation(threshold=0, workflows=None, states=None, **op_kwargs): """Control order of multiple node instances of a single node template. Normally, multiple node instance operations will be executed in parallel. However, some cases, like clusters require that cluster members are installed serially. :param threshold: Switch back to parallel execution after n node instances. Integer. 0: Never use parallel. Always straight serial. 1: After 1 node is installed, return to Parallel. Default. n + 1: After n node instances. :param workflows: List of workflows to apply serialization to. The default is ['install']. This means we scale will execute in parallel. :param states: List of states that the preceding node instance may be in before executing the current node instance. The default is ['started']. We will only continue to next instance after the preceding instance is in "started" state. :raises: CloudifySerializationRetry. :return: decorator wrapper """ workflows = workflows or ['install'] states = states or ['started'] def outer_wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): _ctx = kwargs.get('ctx', ctx) rest_client = manager.get_rest_client() if _ctx.workflow_id in workflows: node_instances = get_instances_of_node( rest_client,, not_blocking_instances = sum( 1 for ni in node_instances if ni.state in states) if threshold == 0 or threshold <= not_blocking_instances: priority = [ni for ni in node_instances if ni.index < _ctx.instance.index] if not all(ni.state in states for ni in priority): raise CloudifySerializationRetry( 'Serial Cloudify Operation. ' 'Waiting for the following ' 'node instances to be ready: ' '{priority_instances}.'.format( priority_instances=[(, p.state) for p in priority] )) return func(*args, **kwargs) return operation(func=inner_wrapper, **op_kwargs) return outer_wrapper
task = operation