Default Widgets Reference

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This section provides a description of all the widgets that are included by default in Cloudify Manager (out-of-the-box). You can select these widgets from the widgets catalog.

To view the widgets catalog, from the dropdown menu next to your user name, select Edit Mode, then click the Add Widget button to display the list of widgets. If you do not see Edit mode in the dropdown menu, you do not have permissions to edit configuration.

For information about adding widgets, placing them on a page, and so on, see Configuring the Web Interface Display.


  • You might have to configure some of the widgets. In the event that configuration is mandatory, the mandatory requirements are included in the widget descriptions. Many widgets also have non-mandatory configuration that enables you to customize them to your requirements.

To open a widget’s configuration dialog after you have added it to a page, click the gear icon in the top right of the widget.

  • Some widgets are only available for admin users.

The widgets are listed according to their category.

Blueprint Widgets

Blueprint Sources

Displays all the sources in a blueprint package in tree view, adjacent to the code. When you click an item in the tree, its code is displayed in the code panel.


Blueprint deployments

Displays the list of a deployments in the current tenant, according to the logged-in user’s permissions. The data can be displayed as a table or list. In the case of a list view, the status of each deployment is also displayed. For information about deployment status, click here


Blueprint info

Displays information about a specific blueprint.


The blueprint ID must be passed to the widget. This can be done either in the page’s context, by placing the widget in a blueprint drill-down page, or by specifying the blueprint ID in the widget’s configuration.



Displays all the local blueprints on the Cloudify Manager in the context of the current tenant as a table or tile view, according to the logged-in user’s permissions. In the catalog view, each blueprint entry includes the icon PNG file with which it was uploaded or the Cloudify default icon if no PNG file was attached.


In the widget configuration dialog, you can toggle on the Click to drill down option so that, when the blueprint is clicked, the drill down page is displayed for that blueprint.


Blueprints Catalog

Displays the details of a blueprint that exists in a repository under a Github user that has been specified in the widget’s settings, as a table or tile view. The widget provides an upload option for each of the blueprints, enabling them to be easily uploaded locally to the Manager.

You can create a filter query in the configuration to specify the blueprints that appear.


Deployment Widgets

Deployment Inputs

Displays the blueprint input values. You can hover over the values, to display them in a separate window, which is useful if the values include multi-line code.


Deployment Outputs

Displays the blueprint output values. You can hover over the values, to display them in a separate window, which is useful if the values include multi-line code.


Deployment Metric Graph

Displays a graph presenting metric data for the current deployment. After you have added the widget to a page, you can select the metrics to be displayed, and define their properties in the widget’s configuration dialog.


You must supply the deployment’s ID, either in the page context, or by specifying it in the widget configuration.

The following list provides information regarding some of the other parameters that can be specified for this widget.

  • Refresh Time Interval - How frequently the data in the widget is refreshed (in secs).
  • Deployment ID - The ID of the deployment for which you want to display data. The ID can be passed in two ways:

    • As part of the page’s context. For example, if you add the graph widget to the deployment drill-down page, in order to access the graph widget you must first choose a deployment from the deployments page. In that case, the drilled-down page already contains the context of the deployment you chose, so the widget automatically retrieves the Deployment ID from it.
    • If a Deployment ID was not provided by the page’s context, the widget looks for a specific Deployment ID to be provided in its configuration Deployment ID field.
  • Metric - The specific Diamond metric you want the widget to display. For more information about these metrics, see the Diamond documentation. The available options are:

    • Cpu_total_system
    • Cpu_total_uer
    • memory_MemFree
    • memory_SwapFree
    • Loadavg_processes_running
  • Time Range Start - Enables you to specify the timeframe of the metrics to be displayed. You can select Last 15 minutes, Last hour, or Last Day.

  • Time Range End - You can select Now to define the end of the metrics display timeframe.

  • Time Resolution Value - Enables you to group the metrics according to time, to reduce the volume of displayed data. For example, although data might be collected every 10 msecs, you might specify that you only see points on the graph for every minute. For more information, see the Influx documentation.

  • Time Resolution Unit - The time resolution at which data is displayed, for example minutes or seconds.

  • Database Query - By default, the query is based on deployment ID, metric name, time filter and resolution. You can paste your own query, which will then be used to fetch data. For example
    select mean(value) from /deployment-id'\\..*\\metric/ where time > now()-1h and time <now() group by time(1m) order asc

  • Graph Type - Select either a line graph or bar chart display.

  • Graph Label - The label to be displayed for the graph.

Events and Logs Widgets

Events and Logs

Displays the logs and events of all the executions in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. You can configure the fields that are displayed and can use colors to indicate success and failure messages.


The fields that can be displayed are:

  • Icon
  • Timestamp
  • Type
  • Blueprint
  • Deployment
  • Workflow
  • Operation
  • Node Name
  • Node ID
  • Message


Event and Logs Filter

Displays a filter pane for events and logs.


Execution Widgets


Displays data for about the executions in the current tenant, according to the user’s permissions. Data includes the blueprint and deployment of the execution, the time that it was created, and its current status.


Filter Widgets

Filter by Blueprint, Deployment or Execution

Displays a filter to enable searching by blueprint, deployment, or execution.


Event and Logs Filter

See Event and Logs Filter

Time Filter

Adds a time filter for deployment metric graphs.


Cluster Widgets

High Availability

Displays the Manager’s status. In the event that there is one or more cluster on the Manager, shows the cluster-connected nodes. There is no click-through actions available from this widget.


Node Widgets

Nodes List

Displays a list of the existing nodes related to the blueprint topology. The type, containing node, connection, number of instances, and groups of which the node is part are displayed.

The nodes are listed by name. When you select a node, either by clicking its name in the table or by clicking it in the Topology pane, additional data about the node’s instances are displayed.


Nodes Statistics

Displays the number of node instances, according to their states. node-statistics

Miscellaneous Widgets

Number of Deployments/Plugins/Servers

Displays indicators that provide the total number of deployments, plugins and servers on the Manager.


Plugins List

Displays a list of plugins and enables their management.


Secrets Store Management

Displays a list of secrets and enables their management. In the widget, you can hover your cursor over the eye icon to display the value of the secret.


Any user who has access to the Secrets Store Management widget can view the value of the secrets.


Snapshots List

Displays a list of snapshots of the Manager. This widget is only available to admin users.

When restoring snapshots, a specific process must be followed, relating to whether you want to use your existing VM or create a new one. For more information, click here.


Tenant Management

Displays a list of tenants on the Manager and enables tenant management. This widget is only available to admin users.


Show Topology

Displays the topology of a blueprint or deployment.


User Group Management

Displays the list of user groups and enables their management. This widget is only available to admin users.


User Management

Displays the list of users and enables their management. This widget is only available to admin users.


Button Widgets

Blueprint action buttons

Displays buttons for displaying the creating a deployment or deleting a blueprint dialog.


Opens the specified URL in a separate tab. You can define the name that appears on the button.


Specify the URL to open when the button is clicked.


Deployment Action Buttons

Displays buttons for displaying the execute a workflow, update a deployment, and delete a deployment dialogs.


New Deployment Button

Displays a button for displaying the creating a deployment dialog.
