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The Cloudify command-line interface (CLI) is the default method for interacting with the Cloudify management environment, to manage your applications. It enables you to execute workflows on your local machine, and to interact with a running Cloudify Manager via SSH to upload and delete blueprints, create deployments, execute workflows, retrieve events, and more.

Working locally refers to running workflows directly from the machine on which the CLI is installed. Working with an instance of Cloudify Manager refers to executing workflows directly from that Cloudify Manager instance.

When you use the CLI to control a Cloudify Manager instance, additional commands appear in the CLI that are not available for use in local mode, for example communicating with a running Cloudify Manager using SSH, downloading its logs, creating snapshots, uploading plugins and so on.


If you attempt to run a command that is not supported in local mode, an error message is returned advising you that the command is only supported when using Cloudify Manager. To use a Cloudify Manager, you can either run cfy bootstrap to bootstrap a new Cloudify Manager or cfy use to use an existing one.

If you haven’t already installed Cloudify, now would be a good time to do so.


You can access the CLI by running the cfy command in your terminal. Use cfy -h to display a list of all the commands and their descriptions.

$ cfy -h
Usage: cfy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Cloudify Command Line Interface

  Note that some commands are only available if you are using a Cloudify Manager. You
  can use Cloudify Manager by running the `cfy use` command and providing it with
  the IP of the Cloudify Manager instance, and SSH credentials if applicable.

  To activate bash-completion, run `eval "$(_CFY_COMPLETE=source cfy)"`

  The Cloudify working directory resides in ~/.cloudify. To change it, set the
  variable `CFY_WORKDIR` to the appropriate directory (e.g. /tmp/).

  -v, --verbose  Show verbose output. You can supply this up to three times
                 (i.e. -vvv)
  --version      Display the version and exit (if a manager is used, its
                 version will also show)
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  agents            Handle a deployment's agents
  blueprints        Handle blueprints on the manager
  bootstrap         Bootstrap a manager
  cluster           Handle the Cloudify Manager cluster
  deployments       Handle deployments on the Manager
  dev               Run fabric tasks [manager only]
  events            Show events from workflow executions
  executions        Handle workflow executions
  groups            Handle deployment groups
  init              Initialize a working env
  install           Install an application blueprint [manager only]
  ldap              Set LDAP authenticator
  logs              Handle manager service logs
  maintenance-mode  Handle the manager's maintenance-mode
  node-instances    Handle a deployment's node-instances
  nodes             Handle a deployment's nodes
  plugins           Handle plugins on the manager
  profiles          Handle Cloudify CLI profiles Each profile can...
  rollback          Rollback a manager to a previous version
  secrets           Handle Cloudify secrets (key-value pairs)
  snapshots         Handle manager snapshots
  ssh               Connect using SSH [manager only]
  status            Show manager status [manager only]
  tenants           Handle Cloudify tenants [Premium feature]
  uninstall         Uninstall an application blueprint [manager only]
  upgrade           Upgrade a manager to a new version [manager only]
  user-groups       Handle Cloudify user groups [Premium feature]
  users             Handle Cloudify users
  workflows         Handle deployment workflows


Note that some features. such as viewing metric graphs and application topologies, are only available via the Web interface if you are running Cloudify Manager.

Verbose Output

The -v/--verbose flag is available for all commands. It sets the command verbosity level. There are four verbosity levels:

  • Running a command without the verbose flag. (The default).
  • Running a command with -v prints tracebacks where relevant, in addition to the normal output.
  • Running a command with -vv in addition to the tracebacks, displays the DEBUG log statements of local/remote execution events.
  • Running a command with -vvv in addition to the tracebacks and debug log statements, sets all loggers declared in the config <https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-cli/blob/3.4/cloudify_cli/resources/config.yaml>_ file to debug mode.


--debug is equivalent to -vvv

Inputs and Parameters

For commands that accept inputs or parameters (for example, cfy executions start or cfy deployments create) the value must represent a dictionary. Valid formats are:

  • A path to the YAML file
  • A path to a directory containing one or more YAML files
  • A wildcard-based path to one or more YAML files
  • A string in JSON format
  • A string formatted as “key1=value1;key2=value2”


You cannot pass non-string values when using the key=value method.


By default, a .cloudify directory is created under ~(Home directory). You can change the location using an _env_ variable (for example, cfy init or cfy use).

The directory contains a file named config.yaml that you can customize according to your preferences.

Configurable Parameters

You can configure the parameters described in this section.

Colored Output

Enables colored output of different cfy commands:

colors: true

The default value is false.


Specifies the path of the log file that cfy writes to:

  filename: /some/custom/path/to/a.log

The default value is $TMPDIR/cloudify-$USERNAME/cloudify.log.

Configure specific python logger levels:

    cloudify.rest_client.http: debug
    some.external.package: debug

The default sets the cloudify.cli.main and cloudify.rest_client.http loggers’ logging level to info.


The .cloudify directory might also contain other files and directories, which are used internally by cfy, that are not described in this section.