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The cfy users command is used to manage users and passwords on Cloudify Manager.
If you choose not to integrate Cloudify Manager with LDAP/AD, you must add each user individually and set a password for them. You can also create groups and add users to them. The users and user groups can be assigned to one or more tenants.


  • To use the command you must have Cloudify admin credentials.
  • User names and passwords must conform to the following requirements:

    • Minimum number of characters - 5
    • Maximum number of characters - 255
    • Valid characters are alphanumeric, or -, _, or ..
    • Value must begin with a letter
    • Cannot be empty

Optional flags

These will work on each command:

  • -v, --verbose - Show verbose output. You can supply this up to three times (i.e. -vvv)
  • -h, --help - Show this message and exit.




cfy users create [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Create a new user on Cloudify Manager.

USERNAME is the user name for the user.

Required flags

  • -p, --password TEXT - Cloudify Manager password.

Optional flags

  • -r, --security-role [admin|user] - A role to specifies the user’s permissions on the manager. (default: user)



$ cfy users create sue -p test1

User `sue` created




cfy users set-password [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Set the password for a specific user. Use this command in a non-LDAP/AD setup.
USERNAME is the username of the user.

Required flags

  • -p, --password TEXT - Cloudify Manager password.



$ cfy users set-password sue -p new_pass

Setting new password for user sue...
New password set




cfy users set-role [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Set a role for a specific user.

USERNAME is the username of the user

Users are created with the default user role. This command enables you to change a user’s role to a Cloudify Manager administrator.

  • An admin user can perform all commands on all tenants in the Cloudify Manager instance.
  • Someone with a user role has access to all public resources in the tenant(s) to which they are assigned, and to private resources of which they are the owner.

Optional flags

  • -r, --security-role [admin|user] - A role to specifies the user’s permissions on the manager. (default: user)



$ cfy users set-role sue -r admin

Setting new role for user sue...
New role `admin` set




cfy users delete [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Delete a user from Cloudify Manager, including from any groups to which they have been assigned. USERNAME is the username of the user.



$ cfy users delete sue2

Deleting user `sue2`...
User removed




cfy users list

List all users defined in this Cloudify Manager.
By default, when you generate the list of users, only the number of linked resources are displayed. You can retrieve full details with the use of a --get-data flag.

Optional flags

  • --sort-by TEXT - Key for sorting the list.
  • --descending - Sort list in descending order. [default: False]
  • --get-data - When set to True, displays the full list of connected resources (users/tenants/user-groups), for each listed resource. When set to False displays the total number of connected resources. (default:False)



$ cfy users list

Listing all users...

| username | groups |  role | tenants | active |      last_login_at       |
|  admin   |        | admin |    1    |  True  | 2017-04-04 10:20:34.171  |
|   sue    |        | admin |    1    |  True  |                          |
|  sue2    |   1    |  user |         |  True  |                          |




cfy users get [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Get details for a single user.

USERNAME is the username of the user.

Optional flags

  • --get-data - When set to True, displays the full list of connected resources (users/tenants/user-groups), for each listed resource. When set to False displays the total number of connected resources. (default:False)



$ cfy users get sue2

Getting info for user `sue2`...

Requested user info:
| username | groups | role | tenants | active | last_login_at |
|  sue2    |   1    | user |         |  True  |               |




cfy users deactivate [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Deactivate a user. Suspends a user’s access, without deleting their details.

USERNAME is the username of the user.



$ cfy users deactivate assi2

Deactivating user `assi2`...
User deactivated




cfy users activate [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Activate a user.

USERNAME is the username of the user.



$ cfy users activate sue2

Activating user `sue2`...
User activated
