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The cfy tenants command is used to create and manage tenants on Cloudify Manager.
You can run commands on a tenant other than the one that you are logged into by specifying the name of the tenant to which the command applies. For example, cfy tenants add-user USERNAME -t TENANTNAME can be used to add a user on a different tenant.


  • To use the command you must have Cloudify admin credentials.
  • Tenant names must conform to the following requirements:

    • Minimum number of characters - 5
    • Maximum number of characters - 255
    • Valid characters are alphanumeric, or -, _, or ..
    • Value must begin with a letter
    • Cannot be empty

Optional flags

These will work on each command:

  • -v, --verbose - Show verbose output. You can supply this up to three times (i.e. -vvv)
  • -h, --help - Show this message and exit.


Each of the commands for creating a user are detailed below.



cfy tenants create [OPTIONS] TENANT_NAME

Add a tenant to Cloudify Manager.
TENANT_NAME is the name of the new tenant

The tenant name must be unique in Cloudify Manager.

Required flag

  • -t, --tenant-name TEXT - The name of the tenant.



$ cfy tenants create test1

Tenant `test1` created




cfy tenants add-user [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Add an individual user to a tenant.
If your system is integrated with LDAP/AD, ensure that the username matches that specified in LDAP.

USERNAME is the name of the user to add to the tenant.

Required flag

  • -t, --tenant-name TEXT - The name of the tenant.



$ cfy tenants add-user sue -t test1

User `sue` added successfully to tenant `test1`




cfy tenants add-user-group [OPTIONS] USER_GROUP_NAME

Add a user group to a tenant.
USER_GROUP_NAME is the name of the user group to add to the tenant.

If your system is integrated with LDAP/AD, ensure that the group name matches that specified in LDAP.

Required flags

  • -t, --tenant-name TEXT - The name of the tenant.



$ cfy tenants add-user-group users -t test1

User group `users` added successfully to tenant `test1`




cfy tenants get [OPTIONS] TENANT_NAME

View information for a specific tenant, including its users.
TENANT_NAME is the name of the tenant

Optional flag

  • --get-data - When set to True, displays the full list of connected resources (users/tenants/user-groups), for each listed resource. When set to False displays the total number of connected resources. (default:False)



$ cfy tenants get test1

Getting info for tenant `test1`...

Requested tenant info:
|  name | groups | users |
| test1 |   1    |   2   |




cfy tenants list [OPTIONS]

Provides a list of all tenants in this instance of Cloudify Manager.
By default, when you generate the list of tenants, only the number of linked resources is displayed. You can retrieve full details with the use of a --get-data flag.

Optional flags

  • --sort-by TEXT - Key for sorting the list.
  • --descending - Sort list in descending order. [default: False]
  • --get-data - When set to True, displays the full list of connected resources (users/tenants/user-groups), for each listed resource. When set to False displays the total number of connected resources. (default:False)



$ cfy tenants list

Listing all tenants...

|      name      | groups | users |
| default_tenant |        |   1   |
|     test1      |   1    |   2   |




cfy tenants remove-user [OPTIONS] USERNAME

Remove an individual user from a tenant.
USERNAME is the name of the user to remove from the tenant.


if the user is part of one or more user groups that are assigned to the tenant, you need to remove the user from each group, in order for them to be prevented from accessing the tenant.

Required flags

  • -t, --tenant-name TEXT - The name of the tenant.



$ cfy tenants remove-user sue -t test1

User `sue` removed successfully from tenant `test1`




cfy tenants remove-user-group [OPTIONS] USER_GROUP_NAME

Remove a user group from a tenant.
USER_GROUP_NAME is the name of the user group to remove from the tenant.

Required flags

  • -t, --tenant-name TEXT - The name of the tenant.



$ cfy ten remove-user-group users -t test1

User group `users` removed successfully from tenant `test1`




cfy tenants delete [OPTIONS] TENANT_NAME

Delete a tenant from Cloudify Manager. TENANT_NAME is the name of the tenant



$ cfy tenants delete test2

Deleting tenant `test2`...
Tenant removed
