Using Plugins in Your Application
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Cloudify utilizes Wagon to create and install plugins.
Installing plugins in Cloudify CLI
To use plugins in Cloudify CLI, you can install them via Wagon’s command-line interface itself (which is installed alongside Cloudify CLI).
To install a plugin, run:
wagon install -s /path/to/wagon/archive.wgn
INFO - Installing cloudify_aws_plugin-1.4.1.dev0-py27-none-linux_x86_64-none-none.wgn
sudo privileges might be required if you use one of our CLI packages.
Uploading plugins to Cloudify Manager
Cloudify allows users to upload and download plugins to and from the manager, and also to delete and list plugins already on the manager. These abilities are exposed by the rest client via the REST API as well as via the CLI.
For a list of plugin packages you can download, see our downloads page.
To upload a plugin to the manager:
$ cfy plugins upload -p /path/to/wagon/archive.wgn
Validating /path/to/wagon/archive.wgn
Plugin validated successfully
Uploading plugin '/path/to/wagon/archive.wgn' to management server x.x.x.215
Uploaded plugin successfully, plugin's id is: f82610f0-42d6-4ce4-9efa-9ad21e4fd557
The cfy plugins
command exposes additional commands like downloading and listing plugins found on the Manager.
When a plugin is uploaded to the manager, if this plugin matches the manager architecture, it will be installed on it. This plugin
can then later be used globally by all deployments that require it as a central_deployment_agent
Conversly, when a plugin is deleted from the manager, it is also uninstalled (if it was installed in the first place), unless at least one
deployment is currently using this plugin, in which case, the delete request will fail.
plugins are installed using an internal workflow named install_plugin
. If something goes wrong during plugin installation/uninstallation,
you can get the failed execution id by running cfy list executions --system-workflows
and look for a failed install_plugin
or uninstall_plugin
execution. Take the execution id and run cfy events list -vvl -e {EXECUTION_ID}
Using the Web UI
Plugins management is done through the Plugins section in the Web UI.
Using plugins with in your blueprint
After having either installed the plugin in the CLI or uploaded the plugin to the Manager, blueprints can make use of it by having the plugin defined in the blueprint.
Read more about how to define the plugin in the blueprint here.
Uploading plugins during bootstrap
Cloudify enables uploading plugins to the Manager during bootstrap. For more on that, please refer to Plugin Resources.
What’s Next
Cloudify’s Team provides a set of Official Plugins you can use. You can find further details about them here, under the plugins
You can also write your own plugin. To see how, read this.