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imports allow the author of a blueprint to reuse blueprint files or parts of them and use predefined types (e.g. from the types.yaml file).


Beginning with definitions version cloudify_dsl_1_3, you can also import inputs, node_templates and outputs multiple times.


  - ...
  - ...



  - my_yaml_files/openstack_types.yaml

    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server
    type: cloudify.nodes.WebServer

In the above example, we import the default types.yaml file provided by Cloudify which contains the cloudify.nodes.WebServer node type and a custom YAML we created for our custom OpenStack plugin containing the cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server node type.

A few important things to know about importing YAML files:

  • Imported files can be either relative to the blueprint’s root directory or be a URL (as seen above).
  • You can use imports within imported files and nest as many imports as you like.
  • An error will be raised if there are cyclic imports (i.e. a file is importing itself or importing a file which is importing the file that imported it, etc..)
  • Groups cannot be imported and can only be defined in the main blueprint file
  • The tosca_definitions_version as stated here must match between imported files.