Built-in Node Types

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Abstract Types

The following node_types are basic types from which concrete types with specific plugin implementations are derived.

  • cloudify.nodes.Root - The base type for all built-in types. declares the following interfaces:

    • cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: An interface for standard life cycle operations (e.g. create, start, stop, etc.). Operations of this interface are called from the built-in install and uninstall workflows.
    • cloudify.interfaces.validation: An interface for pre-creation and pre-deletion validation operations. These may be called by using the execute_operation built-in workflow or by a custom workflow. The Cloudify CLI calls these operations before the bootstrap and teardown of the Cloudify manager.
    • cloudify.interfaces.monitoring_agent: An interface for monitoring agent. Operations of this interface are called from the built-in install and uninstall workflows.
    • cloudify.interfaces.monitoring: An interface for monitoring configuration. Operations of this interface are called from the built-in install and uninstall workflows.
  • cloudify.nodes.Tier - A marker for a future scale group

  • cloudify.nodes.Compute - A compute resource either a virtual or a physical host

  • cloudify.nodes.Container - A logical partition in a host such as linux container or docker

  • cloudify.nodes.Network - A virtual network

  • clouydify.nodes.Subnet - A virtual segment of IP addresses in a network

  • cloudify.nodes.Router - A virtual layer 3 router

  • cloudify.nodes.Port - An entry in a virtual subnet. Can be used in some clouds to secure a static private IP

  • cloudify.nodes.VirtualIP - A virtual IP implemented as NAT or in another manner

  • cloudify.nodes.SecurityGroup - A cloud security group (VM network access rules)

  • cloudify.nodes.LoadBalancer - A virtualized Load Balancer

  • cloudify.nodes.Volume - A persistent block storage volume

  • cloudify.nodes.FileSystem - A Writable File System. This type must be used in conjunction with a cloudify.nodes.Volume type and a cloudify.nodes.Compute type.

    • relationships: The conjunction stated above is expressed by specifying two mandatory relationships for the file system.
      • cloudify.relationships.file_system_depends_on_volume - Used to format and partition the file system on top of the volume. It creates a single partition occupying the entire capacity of the volume.
      • cloudify.relationships.file_system_contained_in_compute - Used to mount and unmount the file system from the server.
    • properties:
      • use_external_resource - Enables the use of already formatted volumes. In this case, the formatting part will be skipped, and just a mount point will be created. Defaults to False. (Boolean)
      • partition_type - The partition type. Defaults to 83 which is a Linux Native Partition. (Integer)
      • fs_type - The type of the File System. Supported types are: ext2, ext3, ext4, fat, ntfs, swap
      • fs_mount_path - The path of the mount point.
    • Example Usage:
                  type: cloudify.nodes.FileSystem
                    fs_type: ext4
                    fs_mount_path: /mount-path
                    - type: cloudify.relationships.file_system_depends_on_volume
                      target: volume
                    - type: cloudify.relationships.file_system_contained_in_compute
                      target: vm
  • cloudify.nodes.ObjectStorage - A BLOB storage segment

  • cloudify.nodes.SoftwareComponent - A base type for all middleware level types

  • cloudify.nodes.WebServer - A web server

    • properties:
      • port - the webserver port
  • cloudify.nodes.ApplicationServer - An application server

  • cloudify.nodes.DBMS - a Database

  • cloudify.nodes.MessageBugServer - a message bus server

  • cloudify.nodes.ApplicationModule - a base type for any application module or artifact