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Cloudify Agents are entities installed on hosts that are part of your blueprint and are used to communicate with the Manager.

Cloudify’s agents provide a way to:

  • Execute operations.
  • Execute workflows on deployments.

Provided Agent Packages

Cloudify comes with a set of pre-made agent packages with support for:

  • CentOS 6.4 / 6.5 (Python 2.6.x) and CentOS 7.x (Python 2.7.x).
  • RHEL 7.x (Python 2.7.x).
  • Ubuntu 12.04 / 14.04 (Python 2.7.x).
  • Windows 2008+ (Python 2.7.x).

Installation Methods

There are several methods by which an agent can be installed, configured and started.

The remote method uses SSH on linux hosts and WinRM on Windows hosts. The init_script and provided methods make use of an initialization script that gets executed on the host when it gets created; This usually takes place during the create operation of the cloud specific plugin used (e.g. in Openstack, userdata is used).

To configure which installation method will be used, set the install_method property in the compute node agent_config property. For example:

    type: cloudify.nodes.Compute
        # one of none, remote, init_script, provided
        install_method: remote

Following are all the supported installation methods:

  • none - No agent will be installed on the host.
  • remote - An agent will be installed using SSH on linux hosts and WinRM on Windows hosts.
  • init_script - An agent will be installed via a script that will run on the host when it gets created. This method is only supported for specific IaaS plugins.
  • provided - An agent is assumed to already be installed on the host image. That agent will be configured and started via a script that will run on the host when it gets created. This method is only supported for specific IaaS plugins.

Implications of Not Installing an Agent

In some cases, you cannot or prefer not to install an agent on Cloudify-managed VMs. This could be due to a security restriction or the fact that a VM is a pre-baked closed appliance that you can’t access or modify. In such cases, you would use install_method: none to instruct Cloudify not to install an agent on the created VM. However, you should be aware of certain implications:

  • You will not be able to use certain plugins, specifically ones that assume execution on the agent’s VM, i.e. ones that are configured with executor=central_deployment_agent. This includes Docker, Chef and Puppet plugins among others. To work around this you will need to run bash or Python scripts using the Fabric plugin (e.g. invoke the Puppet client from a script instead of using the Puppet plugin).
  • You will not be able to install a Diamond monitoring agent using the Diamond plugin because this plugin requires an agent to run. Naturally you can always install your own monitoring agent using a cloud init / the Fabric plugin.

Pre-requisites for Linux Remote Agent Installation

  • SSH port (22 by default) should be open for incoming connections.
  • An SSH server should be running on the host.

Pre-requisites for Windows Remote Agent Installation

  • WinRM port (5985 by default) should be open for incoming connections.
  • WinRM should be enabled. Run these command in userdata (or something equivalent) or create an image with this configuration:

  winrm quickconfig -q
  winrm set winrm/config              @{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"}
  winrm set winrm/config/winrs        @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="300";MaxShellsPerUser="2147483647"}
  winrm set winrm/config/service      @{AllowUnencrypted="true";MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser="4294967295"}
  winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}
  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM 5985" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=5985 action=allow


  1. The commands above are given in a syntax that is suitable for invocation from a command-prompt window. If you are using userdata (or an equivalent feature), you may need to adjust these commands to accommodate (for example: if these commands are to be run within a batch file, then each line should be prefixed with call).
  2. These commands are very permisive and should adjusted according to your requirements. These settings provide unencrypted WinRM access to the machine. We’re working on adding Kerberos support. From MSDN: AllowUnencrypted - Allows the client computer to request unencrypted traffic.

Pre-requisites for Init Script and Provided Agent Installations

To use the init_script and provided installation methods, an IaaS plugin that supports it should be used. At the moment, only the Openstack and AWS plugins support these installation methods.

Configuration Locations

Agent configuration is composed of several locations which all adhere to the same schema. The schema is based on the cloudify.datatypes.AgentConfig datatype which is defined in the standard types.yaml.

The order in which each property gets resolves is as follows:

1. Operation Inputs

If a property has been provided as part of the operation inputs in agent_config (or the depcrecated cloudify_agent) it will be used. For example:

    type: cloudify.nodes.Compute
              # configuration goes here
              user: centos

2. Node Instance Runtime Property

If the agent to be installed is a host agent (and not a central deployment agent) and the propery has been provided as part of the cloudify_agent node instance runtime property, it will be used.

3. Node Property

If the agent to be installed is a host agent (and not a central deployment agent) and the propery has been provided as part of the agent_config (or the deprecated cloudify_agent) node property, it will be used. For example:

    type: cloudify.nodes.Compute
        # configuration goes here
        user: centos

4. Bootstrap Context

If the property has been provided during bootstrap as part of the cloudify_agent in the manager blueprint, it will be used. For example, consider the following excerpt from a manager blueprint:

    type: cloudify.nodes.MyCloudifyManager
          # configuration goes here
          user: centos

This section can be used to set global agent configuration that will apply to all installed agents. This sections is especially useful when deployment agents configuration is required as this is currently the only way to do so.

Configuration Properties

Name Type Description
user string For host agents, the agent will be installed for this user.
key string For host agents that are installed via SSH, this is the path to the private key that will be used to connect to the host.
In most cases, this value will be derived automatically during bootstrap.
password string For host agents that are installed via SSH (on linux) and WinRM (on Windows) this property can be used to connect to the host.
For linux hosts, this property is optional in case the key property is properly configured (either explicitly or implicitly during bootstrap).
For Windows hosts that are installed via WinRM, this property is also optional and depends on whether the password runtime property has been set by the relevant IaaS plugin, prior to the agent installation.
port integer For host agents that are installed via SSH (on linux) and WinRM (on Windows), this is the port used to connect to the host.
The default values are 22 for linux hosts and 5985 for Windows hosts.
service_name string For host agents, determines the Cloudify agent service name. On Windows, the service name is “<service_name>”; on Linux, it is “celeryd-<service_name>”.
If not set, the default is “<node-instance-id>” on Windows and “celeryd-<node-instance-id>” on Linux.
min_workers integer Minimum number of agent workers. By default, the value will be 0. See Auto Scaling for further details.
Note: For Windows based agents, this property is ignored and min_workers is set to the value of max_workers.
max_workers integer Maximum number of agent workers. By default, the value will be 5. See Auto Scaling for further details.
disable_requiretty boolean For linux based agents, disables the requiretty setting in the sudoers file. By default, this value will be true.
process_management dictionary Process management specific configuration. See Process Management.
env dictionary Optional environment variables that the agent will be started with.
extra dictionary Optional additional low level configuration details.

Extra configuration properties (that go under the extra property)

Name Type Description
distro string Linux operation system distribution. See Agent Package Resolution.
distro_codename string Linux operation system distribution release. See Agent Package Resolution.
package_url string Specify an explicit URL to download the agent package from.
uri string For Windows based agents, WinRM URI. By default, the value will be wsman.
protocol string For Windows based agents, WinRM protocol. By default, the value will be http.
fabric_env dictionary For linux based agents, configure fabric which is used to SSH into the remote host.

Process Management

Additional configuration may be supplied to the service manager that will be used to manage the installed agent by using the process_management property.

Linux init.d Process Management

Name Type Description
start_on_boot boolean Specifies whether the agent service should be restarted after a system reboot. By default, the value will be true.

Windows NSSM Process Management

Name Type Description
startup_policy string Specifies the start type for the service. By default, the value will be auto. See sc config.
failure_reset_timeout integer reset value passed to sc failure during service configuration. By default, the value will be 60. See sc failure.
failure_restart_delay integer Specifies delay time (in milliseconds) for the restart action. By default, the value will be 5000. See sc failure

Linux Agent Package Resolution

In most cases, the agent package that will be used to install the agent is automatically resolved and should not be configured manually. However, there exists a mechanism to override the implicit resolution. What follows is a short description of the implicit resolution mechanism and details on how to override the implicit resolution with hard coded values.

The install process will try to identify the distribution and its release and deploy the correct type of agent for them. The identification process is based python’s platform.dist(). We will reference the first attribute of the tuple returned by this call as distro and the third attribute as distro_codename. For example, making this call on Ubuntu trusty will return a tuple in which the distro attribute is Ubuntu and the distro_codename attribute is trusty. After making this call, the package name that will be downloaded from the management file server is {distro}-{distro_codename}-agent.tar.gz where distro and distro_codename are converted to lowercase. In the case of Ubuntu trusty, the package name will be ubuntu-trusty-agent.tar.gz.

If distro, distro_codename, or package_url are provided explicitly in the extra agent configuration, they will be used instead of the implicit mechanism.

What’s Next

For a more elaborate and technical explanation on agents, and how to create one, please refer to the the Agent-Packager tool.